Monday 24 August 2015

Day 7498

Today, is the day, of spots!

In 4 days it will be 666 days until eat cake! Which was an event made back in 2012 to eat cake under the London eye with loads of random humans.

On another note I have work to do so I will do it in 40 minute chunks with 20 min breaks in between, maybe 10 min we shall see how it goes! But I have a lot to do so.... I'ma roll a dice for it :) If I complete it then I shall roll again and another thing that needs doing will take that slot.

1 - Jelsa
2 - Timmy the Reaper ep 1 characters
3 - You are what you eat
4 - Paper people
5 - Watch this Bitch
6 - Game level design
7 - Game ability tree Timmy the Reaper ep 1 backgrounds
8 - Comic chapter Plan (Dragon Dynasty)
9 - Comic chapter Plan (Seeker)
10 - Drawing peoples faces

Roll no.1 at 3pm = (10) = 2 drawings done, 5 basic face positioned
Roll no.2 at 4pm = (02) = Lylah face style change, 5 expression drawings (Very inconsistent o.o)
Roll no.3 at 5pm = (07) = Ability tree is done! Time for dinner :>
Roll no.4 at 8:30pm = (03) = 3 20sec concepts, art style research and some campaign research.
Roll no.5 at 10pm = (09) = only 30 mins and 2 chapters planned

Day 2!
Roll no.1 at 1pm = (07) = 4 sketches designing Lylahs outside shop 1 city sketch
Roll no.2 at 2pm = (04) = 20 secon thumb nailed
Roll no.3 at 3pm = (08) = 3 chapters and a bit planned though it was mostly just writing up/ drinking tea and trying to sort out my phone contract....
Roll no.4 at 6pm = (01) = found rigs, 1 tutorial, re downloaded maya...
Roll no.5 at 8pm = (02) = Didn't happen o.o

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