Wednesday 12 August 2015

Day 7486

-sigh- Oh the humans o.o 

  1. There were going to be two girls and two guy in our house next year. 
  2. The other girl was one I new from uni in my class 
  3. One guy was my boyfriend, the other is one of her friends 
  4. She is leaving because of unfortunate but understandable reasons I think 
  5. So we have to find a human to replace her (For both housing and the game I was going to run over summer o.o) 
  6. Put up a post got 15 replies 
  7. 6/7 women and 3 seem pretty nice, one I like especially and would love to live with us as she seems super cool! 
  8. The other guy in the house wants to have one of his friends who is a dude so he's not going into a house with three complete strangers
  9. Both my boyfriend and I want another girl partly so that it's an even balance but also so that I'm not the only girl o.o 
  10. So it's 2v1 and neither party is happy to back down. 
  11. Talked to landlord (with this guys permission) about this guy getting his deposit back so then he can go live with his friend and we can have a girl and guy in the house and no animosity at the start of the year o.o 
  12. He can have the deposit back. So now waiting to know if he's in or not o...o He has not replied in two days and I do not want to loose the human who I think would be awesome in the house o.o
And that is the drama of my life right now o..o On a side note I have the path plans for the game sorted!!! And a bit more of the comic (to chapter 3 planned~)

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