Wednesday 30 July 2014

Day 7108

I wasn't going to be working tomorrow but now I am :< Hope I can get it done in the afternoon and come home and finish packing O.O my days packing is so much effort... I'll be doing that for the next 4 years at least once a year on and off I think... Live out of boxes?

Slowly running out of food.... Two days left I wonder if I can manage not shopping. Though I get payed on Thursday :) so that's good.

Kinda wish I didn't have to work, sleep, eat, etc. So I wouldn't get tired and I could just listen to audio books and animate different things o.o get all the projects that I have planned done or at least significantly more towards completion o.o That would be good o.o Think I'm going to scrap the idea of working from stock images for my comic, I've only done two panels so starting again won't be hard o.o I think finishing the first page and being happy with it... That's what is going to be hard XD

The house I'm at at the moment, I decided to clean the bathroom as... It's not been done in a very long time and I feel bad for the people still living here. 

Today was the day of failed animations....  I learnt more about animating in photoshop and editing in premiere o.o but ultimately didn't make anything I could use :< Think because I didn't really have the main fish pictured in my mind I wasn't really sure what to make. Decided to go back on flash and edit it on there getting rid of the texture and such. I'll maybe add the glow back in? We shall see.

Adobe is looking for Student Reps!

Adobe believes creativity is critical for student success! To that end, we are developing a new identity for Adobe Education and we want to showcase your student’s creativity as part of it. Each execution of the “Adobe for EDUCATION” identity will feature student-created art. This allows us to show that Adobe empowers students, rather than just saying it. For students, this is a great opportunity for their work to get national or international exposure.
We are looking to receive submissions by August 15.  
We are looking to showcase the participation from K12 through Higher Ed! ?

Well this is... Interesting. 

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