Monday 28 July 2014

Day 7016

Verse 1
'nd Magpie stole the apple from my eye, He took her to a land far away, Maybe he'll grow into one with a soul, That'll think of others before himself.
But its one for your sorrows, and its two for joys, Three for the girls but its four for the boys, Pay in silver or pay in gold, For the secrets that he already told.
But its one for your sorrows, and its two for your joys, Three for the girls but its four for the boys, Pay in silver or your weight in gold, For the secrets that are never ever told.
Verse 2
And Magpie stole the stars from the star, And took them as jewels for his kin, The moon stared and the wolves softly howled, As she stepped out from those clouds.
Interlude (chord change)
Shining so bright, In the darkening night, As she walked down old Brighton road. He paid eight for the kiss, and nine for that wish But its ten for the one that he'll miss.
(change back)
Verse 3
And Magpie stole the apple from my eye, And he showed me all my days,well i slept through my nights and I slept through his days, while he taught me how to play
But its one for sorrows and two for joys, Three for the girls but its four for the boys, Pay in silver, all your weight in gold, For the secrets that I've already told.
Stop motion?
Apple, cut into apple peeling it away to seeds, seeds start to grow into plant with peolple in the leaves Works quite well if started at around 10sec
Song sung and written by Sofia vigo di gallidoro
Little bit of music edits by Isaac <3
Picture used to make it a video  by kittyvane

Video plans soon to be made by me o.o

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