Thursday 2 January 2014

Day 6899

Hmmm animation maybe? 2:05 seconds....

Is a very upbeat happy kinda song 
Ideas... >.> After seeing Frozen my ideas are very disney styled in the way they look in my head aha

Colouring on the camera, then drawing a heart in it... Like in the start of an americas next top model o.o
Grey girl in a garden  or maybe a school girl.... 

Between each "section" there could be a splash of colour added over the screen, so that area has a tint of colour on it, starting off quite faded and getting more vivid as the song goes on. 
Sara Bareilles song king of anything is pretty up beat also o.o... It has a lot of choppy camera ins and outs o.o so something like that would work for this song I think also o.o If you've not hear it.... Allow me to show you :)

Pssh talking like someones actually going to read this XD 

Am I hiding, or is this just me?
Am I not allowed to be who I want to be?
It makes me feel better, 'cause pretty I aint!
What's wrong with a little bit of paint?

^12 sec
So a shot of her shoes all close together and then her hands all close together on her lap, tucks a piece of hair out of her face behind her ears, (nail varnish) 
then perhaps an anxious glance either side, 
then kinda O.o face, 
girl leaning against a school wall all confident and smiling with other people o.o 

Am I being looked down upon again?
'Cause I'm wearing this lipstick in shade number ten
Oh you're completely right... It's all part of my disguise...

^ 23 sec
Make up girl struts/confident walk goes over to the one sitting all grey 
Pouts and winks, leaving a kiss print on the screen 
Grey girl speaks o.o 
girl lip syncs last line, raising hands and looking either side as the backdrop changes to china ( Some students carrying the backdrop in te background)  

You wouldn't put down a boy with scars
From an operation that he had in the past
He wears baggy jumpers to cover them up
He's not too happy in his skin... just like us!

^ 33sec 
one of the Boys carrying the backdrop behind arms covered in silver lines, 
he walks inside and you look through a window as he stands one hand on the forearm 
Pulls down the jumper sleeves
Their reflections in the window become focused and the girls arms are grabbed and as she is spun in front of the camera the scene changes o.o 

Am I hiding, or is this just me?
Am I not allowed to be who I want to be?
It makes me feel better, 'cause pretty I aint!
What's wrong with a little bit of paint?

^ 44sec 
They spin in a cosmetic shop, the girl in colour is behind perfume bottles ( her face all funny shapes and colours behind them)
she separates them out either side smiling
she goes into a room that has photoshop icons around it, and she is morphed into a "pretty model"against all the cosmetics
Takes the paint bucket icon and throws it at the screen 

I can't draw a thing but you could call this art;
Applying blusher doesn't make me a tart
Don't call her an orange 'cause I think that's unkind
If you don't like Lady Gaga that's your problem not mine...!

^ 55sec
Scribble removing paint from the screen with a brush 
Takes a photo of her face holding the red bluser brush- freeze for a few moments ( big border)
border photo turns into a compact mirror as she puts blusher on
compact closes to a group of "orange" girls 
Takes a hold of the camera  and speaks into it, arching an eyebrow

And I'm not saying every face is a canvas
I'm just saying if you're feeling anxious
You should be able to wear whatever you choose
And if you think that I'm wrong, well - I refuse!

^ 1:05sec
differnt school people all with differnt art splatters on there face going round in a circle, 
till it reaches the grey girl looking all self conscious holds her hands and pulls he around 
Arms up in the air, sun shining 
stops spinning freezes, she looks at camera and shrugs 

Am I hiding, or is this just me?
Am I not allowed to be who I want to be?
It makes me feel better, 'cause pretty I aint!
What's wrong with a little bit of paint?

^ 1:15sec
Up in the clouds nose and eyes only thing showing above the cloud, blows the cloud away so her face is revealed 
turns on her back the cloud bits falling down on her, puts her hand on her chest grey girl next to her, slowly bringing a hand to her own chest 
Freeze frame and goes back into photoshop style morphing her 
Grabs paint bucket icon and throws it at camera but the mouse stops her, so the  grey scale girl who was lying next to her throws it instead

There's nothing wrong with a little bit of paint 
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of paint 

There's nothing wrong with a little bit of paint
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of paint 

There's nothing wrong with a little bit of paint 
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of paint 
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of paint 

There's nothing wrong~ 
^ 1:39sec
( leaving colourful foot prints, hands leaving a trail of different colours 
x 2Walking in the middle of lots of space 
x 2 Joins walking less space slight zoom in 
 full body
close up on there face as she sings it to the other girl,

Am I hiding, or is this just me?
Am I not allowed to be who I want to be?
It makes me feel better, 'cause pretty I aint!
What's wrong with a little bit of paint?

^ 1:48
Brings hands over face, takes one hand off face to reveal her 
goes into photo shop and she removes her other hand
half face is transformed into model ( just upper body on screen)
She pulls a weird face and deletes one of the layers 


Am I hiding, or is this just me?
Am I not allowed to be who I want to be?
It makes me feel better, 'cause pretty I aint!
What's wrong with a little bit
What's wrong with a little bit
What's wrong with~
 a little bit of paint?

Turns layers off and on again  
Take paint brush and draws in the other girl 
they fend off the mouse and make there way to the paint bucket 
pulling it out
They get the bucket about to throw it together 
throw it onto the screen, drips down as the credits roll upwards. 

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