Thursday 2 January 2014

Day 6899

I tried to cut my hair! I failed.... >.>.... If anything it looks more messy than before. 

My word for yesterday was Deleterious o.o well, a few days ago actually, it means to have a harmful or negative effect o.o..... 

Todays is: aureole o.o which is kinda like a halo, but behind someones head instead of on top.... or just a circle of light o.o >.> sounds like like arial... but not o.o Maybe I can use it instead of alexandra o.o

So far I've just been spending my gold on slices of cake XD. ( habit RPG)

Good day? Bad day?
Can't really say, I mean good, but I slept through most of it. My sleeping pattern is so very out at the moment D: No more cups of tea after 6 I think, or perhaps only decaf from now on. My tummy is so very painful though....Yay for femininity! 

Health 9/10 - okay yes I'm perfectly healthy and all that but I don't feel it so I brought it down from 10 >.>...

Work vs Play 
- Work
1) Tidied/packed/all washing is done/yay!
2) Comic research ..... >.>.....
3) French lesson! I have started back up on Duolingo,  just doing a lesson a day and such. 
- Play
1) Comic research <.<..... ( Okay so I've been reading manga and looking at YouTube explanations of other artists and why they did what they did >.>... SO ..... Yes it's all just been fun >.>... But I haven't really done any work so <.<... I...I shall pretend >.>)
2) Imgur... I lurk on here way too much...

So as you can see I've not really done all that much >.>....

Thing of today:

Soooo.... Thinking about taking birth control... Yup. 

Take 2 

To do list. 
1) Get art supplies 
2) Help brother with his house 
3) Get a doctors appointment...Has eczema behind my ear T_T  
4) Dye my hair mermaid style! ( so blue to green) ... If I actually do that.... Well. Yes. 

On another note 

Packing is all done! So will be returning back to Portsmouth on Saturday. Flood warnings are up and the heating and hot water are currently down in the tower. But should be back up on sunday so is all good. 

Man  I have so much stuff.........>.>.....
Red case is... Items, games, shoes, scarves, make up, piano thing, books, a pillow...
Black case is... Clothes, more scarves, blankets, duvets, towels, onesie, dressing gown
Lidl bag is.... Food things 
Then theres a mirror slanted in there 
My laptop bag - pretty much the only thing left to pack is my laptop and toothbrush XD
Bean bag <3 Christmas present from my grand parents 
Box is..... All my skirts, leggins, tights, also my xbox and its controller safely tucked away o.o 
Rose is ... Very much alive!!! It has had that flower for a good few weeks now and is still all good o3o 

I brought back a lot of washing.... And packed very badly XD Yeah.......

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