Tuesday 31 December 2013

Day 6897

Last post of 2013....

*Note to future self, angel cake*
Not really sure what to say, something witty? Memorable? Psssh, this is a mundane blog theres no need for all that.

New years resolution?


100% attendance - watch anime/tv shows as normal


I'm better at setting goals.....Perhaps only 3?

1) Complete Chapter 1 of Dragon dynasty

2) Alice in Wonderland event OR Human chess event

3) Learn piece of music fully on Piano

Rosie Rewards 52 weeks 52 rewards ^^

  1. See a movie 
  2. New make up 
  3. Cute pants 
  4. Ice skating 
  5. Notebook 
  6. Koala item (£3>) 
  7. Cake 

Okay so I googled rewards as I couldn't think of anything. https://habitrpg.com/#/tasks and found this :D!!!

  • Japanese 10 min a day (Void) 
  • Attend all classes (Void) 
  • Exercise (30min) 
  • Make bed 
  • Keep room tidy 
  • Eat breakfas
  • Washing on Sunday
  • Mugshot 
  • Learn a new word 
  • Teeth (morning) 
  • To bed by 2am 
  • Eat Proper Portion of fruit 
  • Water plant (please don't die on me O.O!) 
  • Draw (30min) 
  • Sudoku 

  • Dragon Dynasty Chapter 1/12 
  • Perform 1/15 events 
  • Learn 1/8 Songs from playlist 
  • Timmy the reaper Episode 1 

  • 1000 Boots! 
  • 200 Koala item £5> 
  • 100 Note book 
  • 100 Bath bomb...Even if I can't really use it... 
  • 100 Out for tea and cake 
  • 50 Movie 
  • 50 New herbal tea 
  • 50 Smoothie 
  • 25 Cake slice/Sweets 
  • 10 Tea 
  • 10 Freeplay (1hour) 

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