Friday 3 January 2014

Day 6900

Photo of today 

Trying out mums lightviser.... Yeah. 

1) Starts with her being woken up at work - with water (water she was meant to be using for cleaning) splashed in her face " I don't pay you to sleep" "go home and change, and get some proper rest....important people are coming tomorrow" " oh before you go here's some food for you to take back"

Que commentary about how her parents are dead and she works so hard to pay off their debts and stuff as the girl walks out.

Outside Tristan bangs into her and all the food falls to the floor, she starts yelling at the food on the floor, he grabs her mouth and says "don't make a sound" He grabs her and takes her round a corner, she slaps him saying "no" this reveals a strange magic tattoo on the side of his face. He leans in close and tells her to stop drawing attention and shes all like "he's going to kill me O.O" looking like shes about to scream with her mouth slightly open. Then he kisses her o.o and she is all like "o.o........ no" (in a super tiny voice this was her first kiss) and goes to slap him again this time he catches her arm. Then the people run by saying something like can you see him? Didn't he come this way etc. and she turns her head to look after them, he pulls her face back to his holding her chin and arm and stairs all -.-....... and she doesn't scream, captivated by his eyes...(>.>...D'aww)

The people looking for them go off, and he collapses, she's about to run off when she sees that he's bleeding...She's an innocent girl (at this point >.>) who feels sorry for him and takes him back to her place to fix him up.(as you do...)

Whilst he's in the shower (steam punk style) she's curious as to what kinda man he is and looks in his bag, to find a dragon egg, the egg hatches and imprints on her leaving a mark just below the collar bone ( same mark as the magician guy perhaps? )o.o, she hurriedly puts the egg hatchling.... thing back in the bag. the dude comes out and notices that she was looking at the bag// is near it. He walks over to her AND dun dun dun AND CUT

Pages 3 frames each

Cover page
  1.  sky line with blimps// city industry smoke filling the sky, horse and cart // clock running through all three panels showing 1 o'clock
  2.  shows a tavern late at night// zoom to see a girl through the window "Alexandra"// go through the window to see a shadow of a man covering her in the light, a bucket of water on the floor with a rag in it "Alexandra!"
  3.  "ALEXANDRA!" // Water being thrown /(water drips from middle panel to next)/ Girl bleary eyed dripping wet 
  4.  Girl ringing out her hair " I... Uh... Well you see...I..." glancing at the door  // " I don't pay you to sleep girl, I pay you to clean!" Disgruntled old man face hand pinching the bridge of his nose facing away from her  // "how are you going to get anywhere in life if you sleep it all away? I know you;ve no parents to tell you otherwise but you can't be sleeping whilst you work, it really will not do, you're old enough to know better, honestly what would you do without me " His monologue trails from the second panel to the third his face the same but in the background she is sneaking towards the door. 
  5.  She makes it outside the door, " Of for goodness sake my girl! Go home clean up get some rest there some food on the side you can take, but for the love of all that is good don't be late tomorrow there are important guests coming understand!"  The words are carried through the doorway and she is looking shocked. // He head pops back through into the room mouth stuffed with bread "anks" // her head disappears and you are left with the old man looking to the heavens. 
  6.  She is walking happily carrying the food close to her chest shadow person in foreground// a man rushes past her // making her spill her food  it falls out the panels
  7.   "Oh no tomorrows lunch! Are you blind?! What's wrong with you" her words trail off as a hand covers her lips // "don't make a sound he whispers next to her ear" her eyes wide // She bites his hand closing her eyes super tight 
  8.  Shes about to run away// he grabs her hand// her head crashes into the wall "well aren't you just the little escapist"// 
  9.  Her eyesight blurred slightly you see it from her pov // She slaps him revealing the tattoo of magic ness on his head // he glares at her and grabs her hand, " And a violent one at that"
  10.  He pins her arm above her head and leans in closely "stop drawing attention to us, or else" // Show her look of utter fear but looking really cute at the same time, her mouth frozen slightly open as if about to scream she glances from side to side // Some people run past on the other side " can you see him? Where did he go?"
  11.  He grabs her chin // kisses her // her eyes wide as she goes to slap him again 
  12.  he pulls away and grabs her second hand in one move // "don't" he looks all glaring and staring at her // Show her slumped against the wall eyes shut closed, half hidden in the street light, some people running off in the distance
  13.  He falls to the ground a small pool of blood the girl just stands close eyed // she opens her eyes and begins to run away // then looks over her shoulder a worried expression..*Muttering under her breath*"Are you....Okay" 
  14.  Sweat drips of the man's nose his face mostly hidden by his hair, his lipped turned into a vicious smile "Just peachy... now *Pants* run a long would you?I'm a little busy" // She looks back towards the light once more then sighs // turning back to the man she rips some of her skirt and wraps it around his bleeding arm. 
  15.  The man looks at her, teeth gritted " are you insane?" // she runs a hand through her damp hair "probably..." // "Come on I'll clean you up properly back at mine" She hoists him on her shoulder. 
o.o First 15 pages to be done! 

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