Thursday 5 November 2015

Day 7571

Trying to get connotations o.o 

I like people. - Humans, personalities, actual individuals. 

I’d like some paper people. - Manufactured replications, easily destroyed, or stained  

They’d be purple paper people. Maybe pop-up purple paper people. - purple lack of race, rare, expensive, hardest colour for the eye to discriminate against. 

Proper pop-up purple paper people. - 3D/adverts - more than just an image on the sheet but an actual personality 

“How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?” - His interaction with the audience, the doubt of his city ever being able to work, or be sustainable, questioning the quality and means. 

I hear you cry. Well I … - powerful but inarticulate,  a collection of animalistic noises spreading doubt over

I’d probably prop up proper pop-up purple paper people
With a proper pop-up purple people paperclip, 
But I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives,
A cheeky pack of Blu Tack just in case the paper slipped. - - holding everything together - jury rig. purple still a part of the society he's creating - posh with a top hat and mustache . Conforming to the ideals of the paper world .  Even the correct items for everything to be okay make sure that there is a back up for when things go wrong 

Because I could build a pop-up metropolis. - busy country city, civilization, 

But I wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics.
Paper politicians with their paper-thin policies,
Broken promises without appropriate apologies. - our politicians will say one thing then do another, and at the end of the day you will be worse off. They fail and do not acknowledge ( China explode?) - creating a common enemy between audience and him 

There’d be a little paper me. And a little paper you. - this is the real world but on paper including you inside of his ideal and inviting the audience with him. 

And we could watch paper TV and it would all be pay-per-view. - (mono money coming out of eyes) you will pay for everything o.o 
We’d see the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package - over sexualisation 
Or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4. Paper. - Drudgery of life.... 
There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa,

And then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the Paper-Ripper,
Because the paper propaganda propagates the people’s prejudices,
Papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists. - control over the humans, you won't be thinking if you're scared, social media dependancy, comments on how in the past and now also building terrorists into icons and giving them the publicity (shooting in america batman) 

A little paper me. And a little paper you.

And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too.
There’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch,
And who ignored the people’s protests about all the paper cuts, - constant chipping away piece by piece, nhs, education, taxes in general.... 
Then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces, - everything gets pushed out of proportion, and ultimately destroyed, their original intent removed and the destruction the real message taken from events 
By the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police. - The cycle of humans in power, greed, and lack of thinking 

And yes there’d still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed, - consumerism
And the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need,
Purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties,
Others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly.
A proper poor economy where so many are proper poor, - unequal society, money and commodity being a large part of the perceived value of a person and their power and the aspiration being pushed onto people

But while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars.
Origami armies unfold plans for paper planes
And we remain imprisoned in our own paper chains,
But the greater shame is that it always seems to stay the same, - Greed, always wanting more, repeating history, society wraps up around you and makes you think you can't do anything, when you are in control you just let them surround you, it;s also the chains, its a social thing not just one human and the group impact makes the difference 

What changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame,
They’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people,
Because in the end it all comes down to people. - take down of current dictator bring up the next pin wheel, dehumanising and creating statistics  

I like people.
‘Cause even when the situation’s dire,
It is only ever people who are able to inspire,
And on paper, it’s hard to see how we all cope. - emotions? detached society of the inter webs 
But in the bottom of Pandora’s box there’s still hope, - The last thing to come out of Pandora's Box was Hope, and it flew out into the world, even thought the evil spirits had already escaped.
sickness, death, turmoil, strife, jealousy, hatred, famine
And I still hope ’cause I believe in people.
People like my grandparents.
Who every single day since I was born, have taken time out of their morning to pray for me.
That’s 7892 days straight of someone checking I’m okay, and that’s amazing.
People like my aunt who puts on plays with prisoners.
People who are capable of genuine forgiveness.
Importance of family in life and in society, parent figures acting as role models and who important that is to us all.

People like the persecuted Palestinians.
People who go out of their way to make your life better, and expect nothing in return.
You see, people have potential to be powerful.
highlighting the importance of our influence as individuals

Just because the people in power tend to pretend to be victims
We don’t need to succumb to that system.
And a paper population is no different.
drawing comparisons between the metaphor, to make a political and social critique.

There’s a little paper me. And a little paper you.
And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too,
But even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through.
Because we’re people.
Emphasis and conclusion on everything that he has said on human nature and how it is an important aspect of our lives and how it influences our interactions with each other.

Political artists Luis Quiles 

Friday 23 October 2015

Day 7558

I do not feel well. I think I screwed myself over with lack of sleep.... Or eating properly... And I am a wuss o.o TT_TT

Even work, Odds Play (No more than two of either in a row)

  1. Create worlds 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person games
    Answer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Create worlds 
    Character turnaround
    Character sketches
    Character clothes 
  3. Course employment 
    Website FX animation 
  4. Course employment 
    Business card 
  5. Major Project
    You are what you eat animatic
  6. Major Project
    Paper people storyboard/animatic 
  7. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
  8. VFXNuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  9. Written 
    YouTube videos 
  10. Written 
    Narrative games books/Essays (Peter Howell)  

  1. WTBTriangles everywhere! 
  2. Dragon dynasty Chapter plan 
  3. SeekerChapter plan 
  4. Disney faces
  5. Game City of Wings design 
  6. Game City's against myths 
  7. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa, Model Jack
  8. Inktober 
  9. TtR
    Character design 
  10. TtR 

Odds (10)

Everyone genned there characters yesterday :) Which was nice. And I absolutely failed to cook last night as well... 

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Day 7535

The waves are still in o3o 

The amount of chocolate I've been eating I am going to have so many spots... 

  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person games
    Answer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week.
    Effects tutorials
    Website, CV, Business cards
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Paul - Storyboard with strong narrative thoughtsStoryboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. WTB
    Triangles everywhere! 
  6. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  7. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  8. Disney faces
  9. Game City's against myths 
  10. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack

(5) Two useful things learnt, hold ctrl while scrubbing to hear audio, and when making a mask the up down key to change the amount of points in the mask. And when the error for needing two frames comes up to do a Ram preview, it's because I've run out of space and need to purge... Or it's a great place to stop :) 
(9) Several more places done :3 

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Day 7534

~Squeeeee!!!! Just found out that the uni gives us access to this awesome model set that I can totally use for Jelsa <3

Also used 3Ds max and it seems pretty good :3 we populated a little city street and added idle areas and made them interact and stuff, which is pretty damn cool. Wondering if I can use something like that in the background of paper people? It's a pretty cool lecture set up with one lesson tutorial and then one lesson theory a week. So, so far so good!

I feel kinda fully functioning at the moment, the room is clean, the dishes are done, the washing is.... Well that's built up a bit but yeah. And I'm doing the work in my free time :3 Though now I have the cintiq I am coming back home more instead of being at uni... So that's probably not so good as there won't be things I can pick up from other people quite so much.

Ah I just ordered a 32gb usb o.o I should probably get a part time job... Then I could upgrade my computer faster <.<...... We shall see~

List :> always the lists >.>... This is a mundane blog, what's more mundane than lists? Well I suppose it depends on the content of the list and considereing the fast paced, bites of information culture we are moving into I guess lists aren't really that mundane..... O.o Maybe?

Ah o.o I have stolen too much of Lecturers time twice today.... I shall be careful not to next week I think.
  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person gamesAnswer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week. Website, and CV also.
    Look into business cards and other websites as reference 
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Paul - Storyboard with strong narrative thoughts
    Watch storyboard video
    Storyboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. Written  (11) 
    Choose question
    Reading list of relevant content 
  6. WTB
    Triangles everywhere! 
  7. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  8. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  9. Disney faces
  10. Game City's against myths 
  11. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack
(5) List made and YouTube playlist. How narrative will change with the rise of VR and the effect on the consumer.
(8) Some chapter plan 

(3) Two drawing done

Monday 28 September 2015

Day 7533

Fringe is back, as you can see....
So at first with uni it seemed I would have a 9am everyday save Thursdays,  it seems I have a two week timetable and this is not actually the case. Needlless to say that 9am is not when I will be up, but I think up at 10 and then work at 11, at least whilst the work allows it is a good plan~ If I fall terribly behind in the next month this could be the reason~ 

Tadaaaa my beautiful cinitq <3 
I'm with windows 7 and a multi wallpaper duel screen set up isn't available. And for some reason the image always starts on the right screen and continues onto the left no matter the set up I put them in on the computer... So wood it has become. That colour difference though.... The room now have potentially 3 high pitch buzzing noises. Isaacs speakers, the cintiq screen, and Terri's charger only when they are in standby does it really become noticeable though.

Good day? Bad day?
Awww looking back at older posts I see that images have been removed of my face :< I'm sure I have them backed up somewhere though~ Today is going to be a good day~ A day of tea drinking and mass exodus of work that should be looked at :>  Rewatched attack on titan with Isaac last night, it was interesting to notice some of the things I missed before, very clever.
Health - 7..... I'm okay, but seem to have caught the cold that's been going round... Yay for freshers and all of the humans and their bugs or I have a blood disease and will die in the near future, in which case love to all the humans, you guys are specail! <3  

Work vs Play 
- Work
- Play 

Thing of today: Yet to be found XD 

To do list: Basically the same as yesterdays post 
  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person gamesAnswer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week. Website, and CV also.
    Look into business cards and other websites as reference 
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Watch storyboard video
    Storyboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. Written 
    Choose question
    Reading list of relevant content 
  6. WTB
    Triangles everywhere! 
  7. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  8. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  9. Grandma drawing 11.  
  10. Disney faces
  11. Game City's against myths 
  12. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack 

(4) Nuke - So it needs quick time and an email set up with the license and has taken 30 minutes to download. But I can at least watch the tutorials.... Ah man, that feeling of things going wrong and having no idea why~ But also the knowledge it's probably a very quick thing if you have any more experience... 
(2) cv looked at and effects for website 
(4) Started digital tutors overview of the interface lessons and actually downloaded it.... 
(8) two more chapters done
(9) done :> 
(1) Looked at ori and found resources, need to write up notes and extract words from forum

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Day 7528

Now I'm in Isaacs room on a CINTIQ!!!!!!!! :D I have a 22hd and it is beautiful and works and I'm like >3> <3< super happy XD!

Back to uni as well!

  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person gamesAnswer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week. Website, and CV also.
    Look into business cards and other websites as reference 
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Watch storyboard video
    Storyboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. Written 
    Choose question
    Reading list of relevant content 
  6. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack 
  7. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  8. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  9. Grandma drawing 
  10. Disney faces

  11. Game City's against myths 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Day 7520

The trial has ended o.o Tomorrow I will go work purely on Els music video from 9-1 then 2-5 see how much I can get done ^.^

Uni starts up next Tuesday!

Tuesday from 1-4pm/  Final Project Pitch/ Room ELW 1.01
Pitch for you are what you eat
Are you good at Animating or you are better at designing ?
Where would you like to end up working ?
Would you like to work for a company like cartoon network ?
Would you prefer to be an animator in 3D for a big company like Weta digital , frame store, the third floor or Pixar  ?
or Would you rather work for animation/design companies like nexus production ?
Think about the great changes someone can make in the world or to a group of people or to the future  and built the campaign around that .

Whatever medium you are using  create your own work inspired from  others but do not copy it literally.
Work on the DESIGN

Make it your own . All the companies  would like  to see a style that they have not seen 100 times before .
If you like a style add a individual twist. Do not just copy that style .

Who Is your AUDIENCE

Be specific not generic . Think about the best way to reach your audience.
Wednesday 11-1pm/ Course meeting/ Room PK 0.05
Right over lunch :<
Thursday 1-2pm/ All CT final year welcome back Room/ ELW 1.11

Double negative

Hello games - No mans sky
Supermassive Games - Until dawn

AreaNet - GW2
Thatgamecompany - Journey 
Bioware - BG2 
CD Projekt RED - Witcher 
Defiant Development - hand of fate 

1) You are what you eat
2) You are what you eat
3) Paper people
4) Paper people
5) Human faces
6) Dragon comic
7) Seeker comic 
8) Grandma drawing 
9) You are what you eat 
10) You are what you eat 

4.30 (5)