Monday 28 September 2015

Day 7533

Fringe is back, as you can see....
So at first with uni it seemed I would have a 9am everyday save Thursdays,  it seems I have a two week timetable and this is not actually the case. Needlless to say that 9am is not when I will be up, but I think up at 10 and then work at 11, at least whilst the work allows it is a good plan~ If I fall terribly behind in the next month this could be the reason~ 

Tadaaaa my beautiful cinitq <3 
I'm with windows 7 and a multi wallpaper duel screen set up isn't available. And for some reason the image always starts on the right screen and continues onto the left no matter the set up I put them in on the computer... So wood it has become. That colour difference though.... The room now have potentially 3 high pitch buzzing noises. Isaacs speakers, the cintiq screen, and Terri's charger only when they are in standby does it really become noticeable though.

Good day? Bad day?
Awww looking back at older posts I see that images have been removed of my face :< I'm sure I have them backed up somewhere though~ Today is going to be a good day~ A day of tea drinking and mass exodus of work that should be looked at :>  Rewatched attack on titan with Isaac last night, it was interesting to notice some of the things I missed before, very clever.
Health - 7..... I'm okay, but seem to have caught the cold that's been going round... Yay for freshers and all of the humans and their bugs or I have a blood disease and will die in the near future, in which case love to all the humans, you guys are specail! <3  

Work vs Play 
- Work
- Play 

Thing of today: Yet to be found XD 

To do list: Basically the same as yesterdays post 
  1. Create worlds  - Disturbance - Water ripples 
    Compare levels or environments from two different 3rd-person gamesAnswer questions and take screen shots 
  2. Course employment 
    Gather all work so far onto hardrive for use next week. Website, and CV also.
    Look into business cards and other websites as reference 
  3. Major Project
    Paul - 3 images represent lighting - visually dramatise story ideas
    Watch storyboard video
    Storyboard you are what you eat
  4. VFX
    3Ds Max digital tutors (45 hours)
    Nuke digital tutors (32 hours) 
  5. Written 
    Choose question
    Reading list of relevant content 
  6. WTB
    Triangles everywhere! 
  7. Dragon dynasty 
    Chapter plan 
  8. Seeker
    Chapter plan 
  9. Grandma drawing 11.  
  10. Disney faces
  11. Game City's against myths 
  12. Jelsa 
    Model Elsa
    Model Jack 

(4) Nuke - So it needs quick time and an email set up with the license and has taken 30 minutes to download. But I can at least watch the tutorials.... Ah man, that feeling of things going wrong and having no idea why~ But also the knowledge it's probably a very quick thing if you have any more experience... 
(2) cv looked at and effects for website 
(4) Started digital tutors overview of the interface lessons and actually downloaded it.... 
(8) two more chapters done
(9) done :> 
(1) Looked at ori and found resources, need to write up notes and extract words from forum

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