Wednesday 8 July 2015

Day 7451

This post shall contain my face and not much more as it would be useless, boring, and somewhat more mundane than ususal. On a side note, cuteness for today! 

Thursday 2 July 2015

Day 7445

Things of today,
Snake skin boots anyone?

So much yes <3 Very clever and beautiful.

Day 7445

Summer to do list 2015
I want to be amazing at everything... But I won't live long enough for that. So surely the least I can do is know the basic information.  Like a Swiss army knife, but for animation. Perhaps the knife itself will be sharper, more efficient, worn and proven over time compared to the other tools. But the other tools will still be there.

  • Game update writing 
  • El music video 
  • Ali logo
  •  Take stuff home home
  • Change phone contract and become primary user

  • Paper people
  • GoT
  • Jelsa 
  • Comic 
  • Timmy the reaper episode 1
  • Summer faces 
  • Business cards 
  • A5 Drawings 
  • A4 Drawings
  • Stickers
  • Badges
  • T-shirts
  • Calendars
  • Website up and running
  • Etsy
  • Animation
  • Storyboarding
  • Layout
  • Digital Ink and Paint
  • Character Design
  • Acting for Animation
  • Colour
  • Life Drawing
  • Animation pipelines
  • Composition
  • (Flash, ToonBoom Harmony)
  • Storytelling
  • Animatics
  • Career Preparation
  • Visual Development
  • Look Development
  • Character Design
  • Storyboarding
  • Life Drawing
  • Digital Painting
  • Vehicle & Prop Design
  • Environment Design
  • Media Studies
  • Software Skills (Photoshop, Sketchbook, Flash, Harmony)
  • 3D Modeling
  • Visual Effects
  • Character Design
  • Storyboarding
  • Compositing
  • Sculpting
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Surfacing
  • Lighting
  • Rigging
  • 3D Texturing
  • Matte Paintin

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Day 7444

3000 days ago I was 4444 days old.

Life updates.

Passed second year, have yet to find all the feedback however

Went on a lovely weekend holiday to Malta was 90% lovely 10% trepidation, but didn't get burnt and had some nice memories and drawings.

Moved into new house, and have unpacked a large amount of my stuff o.o I have so much stuff.... I also now I have my kettle next to my computer ;) So much tea shall be drank! And no money... I mean no not money at all... I have money for bills, and have paid rent and have about £5-£10 for food each week o.o But... I probably won't be going anywhere or buying anything any time soon... My mum gave me some money as well o.o And it's not like o.o well yes basically I've spent to much XD Should probably find a summer job o.o

Two games on the steam sale that I'm super happy with are Baldors gate 2 <3!!!!!! Which I played when I was younger and it's just o3o it's beautiful <3 and hand of fate which is fun o.o Not sure I love it yet but it's a nice completion's kinda game... So far the story...Doesn't really have much story.

 My DnD world game thing is coming along o3o I'll make an update post soon with all the info that I've decided on but as people have been making characters we've plotted out more of the land o3o and I have ideas about the kinda things that can happen to the characters and yesh! 

Monday 1 June 2015

Day 7414

Everyone has left the house....

I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm tired at the moment... But I'm rather sad as well. I liked everyone but I'm a little surprised that I actually feel sad not so much for being alone in the house but I think it is the knowledge of the change that has now happened. Everyone gone, we won't be living together next year, we will more than likely drift apart entirely over the next 5 years. So I guess the sadness comes from the foreseeable loss of friendship and the anxiety/fear of change. I think perhaps because I've acknowledged the feeling and made it very real by response

I'll be staying down in Portsmouth over summer again, and buying a cintiq/drawing tablet by the end of June. My plan is to focus on primarily concept art for third year. And make sure that my drawing ability's excel as it's a large week point and I feel like this past year has been some what wasted.  Most of what I have learnt has come from unaided self directed  study that I could have simply done at home. £9000 indeed. Yes the equipment and programs are worth it. Yes the Library is a very good resource and yes out of my 7 tutors 3 of them taught me a lot. Yes the feedback I got from almost all the tutors was invaluable. But the University hasn't prepared my for industry, or helped me decided on an area to specialise, or really taught me over much with the expectation of those 3 tutors, it hasn't stretched my ability's aside from time management. It's not like I didn't learn anything at all, I just feel like what I have learnt could have been taught to a more efficient standard and thus allowed a curriculum that allowed more. I am 80% sure I want to go back, if only to finish the degree...

Rachel is coming back down to move out the rest of her stuff on Wednesday and we are also having another reassessment of the house from the landlord in regards to cleaning then. Isaac is coming down Fridaystaying till Monday then I'm going down to see him on the Wednesday-Sunday, then the week after I'm on holiday (Leaving to go home home Tuesday) Wednesday - Monday, then I come back and on that weeks Wednesday I am moving to next years house... A nice perk of being last in the house is the food donations everyone has given me...So much rice, pasta, potatoes...

So this month is pretty busy and I don't see much work happening. I'm spending today and potentially tomorrow packing everything away (As you can see from the mess on my bed...) but yeah....

So to pack I have:

  • Dresses
  • Skirts/Shorts 
  • Nightwear 
  • Trousers/Leggings 
  • Jumpers 
  • Unmentionables 
  • Shoes/Boots 
  • Bedding 
  • Towels/tea towels 
  • Coats/Jackets
  • Books 
  • Papers
  • Stationary 
  • Cosmetics 
  • Bags 
  • Koalas
  • Kitchen equipment 
  • Food 
  • Table and chairs 
  • Bean bags 
  • TV
  • Computer
  • Other electronics ( Though luckily Isaac was able to take some) 
  • Blue shelf unit 
  • Cleaning/Washing products 
  • Plants (I'm growing so many things T_T/ :D) 
 Yes... I'll need to take my plants home for the holiday as no one here will be able to water them.... And everything needs to pretty much be packed to save me from stressing when I come back. I'm moving out on the 25th but the tenancy runs our on the 28th so that give me time to do a final deep clean. I feel like I've accumulated rather a lot of stuff...

And now I have these creepy moments of hearing someone going up and down the stairs and it's next door :/

Many things to do... And yet no energy to do them. I think late lunch, cat nap, shower and then just a general clothes tidy up will be a good plan. We shall see.

Monday 11 May 2015

Day 7393

Suddenly there was a mildly political Rosie, absorbing views from all over the place and excreting them into this...

Why am I signing the petition to keep human rights.

Human rights are more than just words on a page it is our responsibility as humans to respect each other, help each other and to protect those in need. Every human is entitled to them. Everyone. Everywhere. I feel that one that is localised to "Britain" will lose the universal human aspect.

It's there as a universal law and acts as a protection so that people in power can't trample on those below them. Created by lots of different people not just one government with similar ideologies.  Especially when the people calling for these changes only represent 37% of the population.

So it worries me that  government are proposing to change them without these proposed changes in full public knowledge... Especially whilst we are still at the stage where the current ones still aren't entirely more than just words on a page.

o.o and then there is my words on how what we have now isn;t really a democracy that the voting system we have is silly and that proportianl representation is a better way to go o.o
Me .... There are quite a few other ways...
Other Human A
that would be far better than PR, but would still leave the issue of more hung parliaments. My preference would be to keep the same, because of a higher efficiency of decision making, but it's down to the voting masses. (hear that, i wouldn't riot if i didn't get my way in a democratically fair election)


True it could lead to that... I feel it's something that could be worked on, and at least it would be a better starting point. 
Rioting isn't a bad thing it's more how you go about it.... Everyone has the right to freedom of speech. 
Your bracketed comment implies what we have now is democratically fair... But...It's not....Something summed up wonderfully in another of CGP's videos o.o
Other Human A
again, it's my opinion, but until we have something we know will work better, why create a government that will take forever to do anything?
Rioting isn't bad? I'm not gonna argue this point, but it's quite self explanatory. Reread what you just said.
It is fair, the largest swing of votes went towards the conservatives, and the majority of area's wanted a conservative mp to represent them, it's not the fairest, but it's fair.
Other Human B

Ngl I don't get why people are rioting cos the Tories got in, as much as I don't like them, they got more votes than everyone else and thus won the election fair and square, however the bit I don't agree with is that because I live in a very conservative area, if I don't want to vote conservative my vote is effectively null and void. They should consider everyone's votes when allocating seats. 
Human A

only 62% of my area turned out to vote, if the other 38 turned up and voted labour, they would've beaten the tories, your vote always matters, even if not in this election, if people see labours vote rise, more and more people will think about voting labour. I'm against PR for the reasons i've already made, saying any more would be going in circles. 
Also, why do we need 650 mps in the house of commons half of whom get paid a shit tonne for turning up half the time, and for 5 minutes the other half. Sack half of them and we can save more than enough to stop making cuts to the nhs 
Halving the amount of MP's would save about 2 million a year (they all get paid sub 100K), and would do very little for the NHS, and would then make the voting system even more unfair, and less local representation for everyone. 
Me * Two separate reply comments
It would mean choices made involve the majority not the minority... 
Ah, sorry no, rioting is bad... Protesting that's not...My brain just went and confused the terms there. 
Okay so... Yes they won "fair and square" but the system being used is inherently unfair which is the thing I was saying.... it gives the illusion of democracy but it doesn't represent everyone votes... It's not equal which you can see through minority rule, through gerrymandering, through the spoiler effect that comes with this style voting and the ultimate two party system that it ends up with... And it discriminates against smaller parties because of the strategic voting it creates...
The video o.o

a choice should always be made with the majorities best interests at heart, but keeping a thought on how it would affect the minority, but at the end of the day, there is good cause that if a decision would benefit the majority, but negatively affect a minority, then it should be made.
I understand the problems with first past the post, but i still believe it to be the best system, as it helps create a strong government. It's not an illusion, it's still democracy, we're still voting as a people for the person in charge, it just gives the person with the most votes alot more power at the end (creating a stronger government). 

I agree a majorities best interests should be kept at heart in regards to politics, and without encroaching on human rights and such. 
I don't understand how you can justify it based on strength? What do you base this way of voting on making a stronger government in comparison to proportional representation? 

Our current system has had hung parliament/ coalition/ slim majority. And ensured that since the 1950's we've only really had two parties in power, till 2010 when the libdems managed to get in... 

Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Hong Kong pretty strong governments (stronger than our perhaps?) all with proportional representation... 

I mean what is strength without fair representation? Is it not a borderline dictatorship created by the privileged few? I say illusion of democracy because of the points I already illustrated and the ones further explained in the video. Yes by definition we are freely able to elect our own representatives, however also by that same definition the overall power is not vested in the people and does not present a political or social equality. 


Our current system has had hung parliament/ coalition/ slim majority. And ensured that since the 1950's we've only really had two parties in power, till 2010 when the libdems managed to get in... 
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Hong Kong pretty strong governments (stronger than our perhaps?) all with proportional representation... 
I mean what is strength without fair representation? Is it not a borderline dictatorship created by the privileged few? I say illusion of democracy because of the points I already illustrated and the ones further explained in the video. Yes by definition we are freely able to elect our own representatives, however also by that same definition the overall power is not vested in the people and does not present a political or social equality. 
I'm not saying it's perfect, and overall it doesn't make much of a difference as chances are people in charge wouldn't vote it in as it wouldn't benefit them. And we of course are just two humans... Sadly...And it doesn't really include the internet within the actual governing which I think, if it was thought through enough and protected, could be a real asset in modern day democracy. But yeah o.o These are my thoughts...
B* (to this comment reply)
 That's exactly what I was saying, also there should be a blank box on every voting slip where you can write down any party you want as if they aren't represented in your area, you can't vote for them even if you'd want to, which would give smaller parties more of a chance 


But if there isn't an MP for (for say's sake) the BNP in surrey, and we all voted BNP, and they won, then who is our MP in surrey? Let alone not having a representative in government (assuming this is also under PR) we don't even have a representative. 

Mmm true, local representation would be a problem... Perhaps lowering fees so that parties could afford to have a representative in each area o.o.... 

Day 7393

Day 7386 

Day 7393


1 deadline down 4 to go~

I also have a new DnD character~

Ralah Roshar, age 23, tanned skin, black hair, kleptomaniac of books, reads 6 times faster than average humans and isn't bad with a bow~ and of course she's a lover of tea and cake. Her parents were nursing home people taking care of the elderly. She was brought up on fantasy stories and upon learning that they were just that "fantasy" became incredibly inquisitive into how things work, thinking everything has an explanation in the hopes of someday creating real life replications of those fairy stories.

Born early December she is Sagittarius, and I feel this horoscope actually fits her quite well XD
Sagittarius is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac. Truth seekers, adventurers, lovers of travel (and their own selves), Sagittarius individuals are fun loving and a good company. Many of them are philosophic in bent, and their spirit of inquiry is practically relentless and endless. Restless, curious and always ready to explore, sometimes they may end up being too upfront and garrulous. Given their quest for truth and ultimate wisdom, most Sagittarius do not take things at their face value. They take their own sweet time to form their opinions, and would not hesitate in asking embarrassing questions. Candid as they are, in their attempt to know and see, they may end up asking/ saying unexpected things. Archers also exhibit a certain duality. Although, such keen investigators themselves, willing to go an extra mile to find, read, communicate, they themselves may resent the complex education system and formal training. They can be, fanatics yet atheists, and tactless yet serious! Subjects like philosophy, education, religion, mysticism, occult, medicine engross and attract Archers. No wonder, many Sagittarius-born make good inventors or discovers. Self confident, sometimes to the degree of being arrogant, high spirited, they also make good advisers, teachers and social bees. Many Archers also opt to work in the fields related to media and arts, as these areas allow the free birds to work in their ways. Sagittarius adore their freedom, and restrictions of any sort may irritate and frustrate them. And thus, in relationships, they require (and even demand) their own space. In love, they are cheerful and giving. In fact, the Sagittarius are their happiest in a new relationship. However, as the relationship progresses, the restless Archers may start resenting the sense of confinement and responsibility. Yet, they know and appreciate the importance of such bonds, and shall rarely attempt to break it.

And whilst she is good with and loves the bow she is enamored by the idea of two daggers that can join together to make a bow (Her favorite heroine had weapons just like it in a book she once read) and hopes to one day not be quite as squishy...