Monday 1 June 2015

Day 7414

Everyone has left the house....

I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm tired at the moment... But I'm rather sad as well. I liked everyone but I'm a little surprised that I actually feel sad not so much for being alone in the house but I think it is the knowledge of the change that has now happened. Everyone gone, we won't be living together next year, we will more than likely drift apart entirely over the next 5 years. So I guess the sadness comes from the foreseeable loss of friendship and the anxiety/fear of change. I think perhaps because I've acknowledged the feeling and made it very real by response

I'll be staying down in Portsmouth over summer again, and buying a cintiq/drawing tablet by the end of June. My plan is to focus on primarily concept art for third year. And make sure that my drawing ability's excel as it's a large week point and I feel like this past year has been some what wasted.  Most of what I have learnt has come from unaided self directed  study that I could have simply done at home. £9000 indeed. Yes the equipment and programs are worth it. Yes the Library is a very good resource and yes out of my 7 tutors 3 of them taught me a lot. Yes the feedback I got from almost all the tutors was invaluable. But the University hasn't prepared my for industry, or helped me decided on an area to specialise, or really taught me over much with the expectation of those 3 tutors, it hasn't stretched my ability's aside from time management. It's not like I didn't learn anything at all, I just feel like what I have learnt could have been taught to a more efficient standard and thus allowed a curriculum that allowed more. I am 80% sure I want to go back, if only to finish the degree...

Rachel is coming back down to move out the rest of her stuff on Wednesday and we are also having another reassessment of the house from the landlord in regards to cleaning then. Isaac is coming down Fridaystaying till Monday then I'm going down to see him on the Wednesday-Sunday, then the week after I'm on holiday (Leaving to go home home Tuesday) Wednesday - Monday, then I come back and on that weeks Wednesday I am moving to next years house... A nice perk of being last in the house is the food donations everyone has given me...So much rice, pasta, potatoes...

So this month is pretty busy and I don't see much work happening. I'm spending today and potentially tomorrow packing everything away (As you can see from the mess on my bed...) but yeah....

So to pack I have:

  • Dresses
  • Skirts/Shorts 
  • Nightwear 
  • Trousers/Leggings 
  • Jumpers 
  • Unmentionables 
  • Shoes/Boots 
  • Bedding 
  • Towels/tea towels 
  • Coats/Jackets
  • Books 
  • Papers
  • Stationary 
  • Cosmetics 
  • Bags 
  • Koalas
  • Kitchen equipment 
  • Food 
  • Table and chairs 
  • Bean bags 
  • TV
  • Computer
  • Other electronics ( Though luckily Isaac was able to take some) 
  • Blue shelf unit 
  • Cleaning/Washing products 
  • Plants (I'm growing so many things T_T/ :D) 
 Yes... I'll need to take my plants home for the holiday as no one here will be able to water them.... And everything needs to pretty much be packed to save me from stressing when I come back. I'm moving out on the 25th but the tenancy runs our on the 28th so that give me time to do a final deep clean. I feel like I've accumulated rather a lot of stuff...

And now I have these creepy moments of hearing someone going up and down the stairs and it's next door :/

Many things to do... And yet no energy to do them. I think late lunch, cat nap, shower and then just a general clothes tidy up will be a good plan. We shall see.

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