Wednesday 16 April 2014

Day 7003

Anip Showreel :o 

Thing of today:

I don't think I've personally ever been properly depressed, at times I've felt incredibly bad - mainly because of my head but bouncing back seems to be something I'm rather good at. And though we are becoming more aware of mental health and how it's okay to feel the way you do, like with depression or anxiety, social insecurities....Etc. I feel videos like this, that inform and tell those affected ... "It's okay, it will get better" Should be more common place. 

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day 7002

Done o.o.... Now just... Sound and all in one thing and stuff...... o.o
( Sorry they are small to some how make it easier to load? I don't know) 

Monday 14 April 2014

Day 7001

Aha missed day 7000, ah well I was at home. So much to say but I'm sure I'll get round to it when im home :) 

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day 6996

-Update 28/4/14 O.O ONLY NARRATIVE TO GO :D-

WUUUUUH Check out that awesome number. Yeah, that's right, I'm like old and stuff...... Hur Hur.... 

4 days and I'll be ... 7000 O.O

Dear me o.o....I'm screwed O.O

Okay so... Lets see how far behind I am on all my work >.>''

Meaning and Rep - April 22nd
  • 1500 word essay "How relevant is Laura Mulvey’s theory of the Male Gaze to contemporary cinema? "  Watched some recent movies? .... Nope not done at all o.o
  • Group presentation Will do when everyone comes back

Principles - April 22nd

  • Morph Though would like to re do Totally not going to have time o.o

  • Bouncing Ball: tennisball, ping pong ball, bowling ball

  • Heavy sack Light sack

  • Ball with tail

  • Normal walk

  • Blob animation 1 (blob moving across frame) Hardly done

  • Blob animation 2 (roller coaster) Need to add the background then done

  • Blob animation 3 (farts) Need to add the balloon then done

  • Show reel intro Kinda key framed... Not really done much O.o

  • Show reel outro Need to add wire then done

  • Edited showreel
  • All sketches 
  • Critical analysis 

Production Process - April 25th 
  • Childhood memory sketches
  • Animatic 
  • Final animation Parts are done but... Not enough... Think this is going to be the most consuming time wise o.o
Animation Production - April 28th 

  •  Polygon modelling & texturing – ‘Parrot’
  •  Animation – High Noon Need to go back over and edit it 
  • Character model and rig  Texture then animate
  •  - Playblast walk-cycle of your character.
  •  - Playblast ‘turntable’ of your finished character model with textures.
  • Animation Project – ‘Stood Up’.
  • 500 word critical analysis

Visual research - 6th May 
  • calm/frantic/delicious/evil
  • Window 
  • Texture and colour 
  • 4 second emotional line
  • Character looped jump 
  • Tweened jump 
  • Bouncing ball
  • Motion path ball and bubble
  • Animate 3 tastes/smells 
  • Music animations 

Narrative - 7th May

  • Script 
  • Animatic Need to go back over start and finish the rest
  • Character designs 
  • 5 second animation Haven't started o.o

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Day 6995

Thing of today

Where was this guy when I was doing media studies? So useful.

Perhaps one of the better Trews so far..... Up to around the 3 min mark it could have such an awesome animation to it....Kinda why I shared it here I guess, because of how I visualised it.....

o.o Yes.

Monday 7 April 2014

Day 6994

Am I not the picture of beauty XD 

Was on the phone to my mum... The conversation really wasn't that bad, not sure why I look so glum aha.

Today is the last day of free play, tomorrow I shall work super super hard >:3

My grandpa's birthday is coming up so need to come up with an idea for his birthday card which I shall be drawing... If I can come up with a nice idea... I'm thinking something to do with either ageing, family, memories or wine... Possibly even chocolate ginger biscuits... That seems to be all he asks for o.o Because he is very contented ...

GoT Watched!!!! New season episode :3 on with season 4! After watching all the first 3 seasons over the past week its a bit of a change to now have to wait a week for the next episode.... Perhaps a nice one though give me eyes a bit of a break.

Man I need to get a new laptop battery.... This one works but I fear it is killing my fan... If my fan is not already dead. Though thinking on it I've always had a rather loud fan so perhaps it'll survive....

Seeing the animator soon o3o o.o it shall be fun :D I  hope o.o

After watching Frozen for the third time I can safely say my mind is filled with those songs XD

Isaac has gone home :( so now everyone has gone o.o Still day time so it's fine but I wonder if I'll be creeped out at every loud noise come dark...We shall see.

And I'm sure I'll be blogging even more now that I've more free time on my hands :L Prepare yourselves non existent people for the most boring posts yet.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Day 6992

BHF - Ran out of £5, so many people with £20 notes and nothing smaller today as well o.o Or maybe I just noticed that because of the lack of 5's who knows, also got two tops :) as you can see in the picture above. The green one as a 1up mushroom and says "get a life" under it :)

2 days till game of thrones!!!!! All of season 1 is watched >:3 now for the following seasons!!!!

Thing of today :)