Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day 6996

-Update 28/4/14 O.O ONLY NARRATIVE TO GO :D-

WUUUUUH Check out that awesome number. Yeah, that's right, I'm like old and stuff...... Hur Hur.... 

4 days and I'll be ... 7000 O.O

Dear me o.o....I'm screwed O.O

Okay so... Lets see how far behind I am on all my work >.>''

Meaning and Rep - April 22nd
  • 1500 word essay "How relevant is Laura Mulvey’s theory of the Male Gaze to contemporary cinema? "  Watched some recent movies? .... Nope not done at all o.o
  • Group presentation Will do when everyone comes back

Principles - April 22nd

  • Morph Though would like to re do Totally not going to have time o.o

  • Bouncing Ball: tennisball, ping pong ball, bowling ball

  • Heavy sack Light sack

  • Ball with tail

  • Normal walk

  • Blob animation 1 (blob moving across frame) Hardly done

  • Blob animation 2 (roller coaster) Need to add the background then done

  • Blob animation 3 (farts) Need to add the balloon then done

  • Show reel intro Kinda key framed... Not really done much O.o

  • Show reel outro Need to add wire then done

  • Edited showreel
  • All sketches 
  • Critical analysis 

Production Process - April 25th 
  • Childhood memory sketches
  • Animatic 
  • Final animation Parts are done but... Not enough... Think this is going to be the most consuming time wise o.o
Animation Production - April 28th 

  •  Polygon modelling & texturing – ‘Parrot’
  •  Animation – High Noon Need to go back over and edit it 
  • Character model and rig  Texture then animate
  •  - Playblast walk-cycle of your character.
  •  - Playblast ‘turntable’ of your finished character model with textures.
  • Animation Project – ‘Stood Up’.
  • 500 word critical analysis

Visual research - 6th May 
  • calm/frantic/delicious/evil
  • Window 
  • Texture and colour 
  • 4 second emotional line
  • Character looped jump 
  • Tweened jump 
  • Bouncing ball
  • Motion path ball and bubble
  • Animate 3 tastes/smells 
  • Music animations 

Narrative - 7th May

  • Script 
  • Animatic Need to go back over start and finish the rest
  • Character designs 
  • 5 second animation Haven't started o.o

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