Monday 7 April 2014

Day 6994

Am I not the picture of beauty XD 

Was on the phone to my mum... The conversation really wasn't that bad, not sure why I look so glum aha.

Today is the last day of free play, tomorrow I shall work super super hard >:3

My grandpa's birthday is coming up so need to come up with an idea for his birthday card which I shall be drawing... If I can come up with a nice idea... I'm thinking something to do with either ageing, family, memories or wine... Possibly even chocolate ginger biscuits... That seems to be all he asks for o.o Because he is very contented ...

GoT Watched!!!! New season episode :3 on with season 4! After watching all the first 3 seasons over the past week its a bit of a change to now have to wait a week for the next episode.... Perhaps a nice one though give me eyes a bit of a break.

Man I need to get a new laptop battery.... This one works but I fear it is killing my fan... If my fan is not already dead. Though thinking on it I've always had a rather loud fan so perhaps it'll survive....

Seeing the animator soon o3o o.o it shall be fun :D I  hope o.o

After watching Frozen for the third time I can safely say my mind is filled with those songs XD

Isaac has gone home :( so now everyone has gone o.o Still day time so it's fine but I wonder if I'll be creeped out at every loud noise come dark...We shall see.

And I'm sure I'll be blogging even more now that I've more free time on my hands :L Prepare yourselves non existent people for the most boring posts yet.

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