Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 6958

Another group wants to collaborate :D!!!!!! 

So lego and gaming
and now slow food :D

Hi Roseanna, 
I'm Leanne, president of Slow Food on Campus. I was at the Activities Council when you got ratified, and love the idea. I know how difficult it is to start a group (I was one of the founding members of SFOC and it's not as easy as it seems haha!). Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to do a joint tea party event with Slow Food on Campus, it works well for us and we can probably raise interest in your society too which I know helps when you're just starting up :)
Let me know,

To which I replieeeeeeeeeeeed

Hi Leanne nice to meet you :D
I've just been stalking your facebook pages to find out a bit more about what you guys do - it looks awesome o3o Though the cake part of the tea party stuff may clash a little with what you're trying to promote. Health wise.... >.>''
But yes, in short I would love to. Are there any sort of themes that you feel would work in your interest?

Perhaps a cake making thing followed by a variety of tea tastings....
Or a challenge on a market day and groups have to find different foods and buy them and then come back and have a fruit fondue o3o
Or we go somewhere and pick fruit and make jam and eat it with scones o3o
Or perhaps a farmers market style tea party, with different cheese and meats and fruits and you can try them and it says where they came from, how much they are, where to get them from etc.....
Or a comparison between shop bought cakes and homemade ones....Shop scones.. Home made ones....
Or a cupcake icing event
o.o...............I'm just rambling now with half made ideas....

What sort of thing do you have in mind? Like, what could you offer us and what do you think we could offer you?
I look forward to hearing back from you and I apologise if this is email was a little confusing, but I've found this idea very exciting :)
Thank you

So much excitement o3o  .... Gosh I hope I haven't scared her away...

Hi Rosie,
Love the fact that you're sp excited by the idea. We are about healthy food but also the plain fact of making something from scratch. Pick your favourite of your ideas and we'll work something nice out. 
Itll probably be in April as ti.e is running short. U think we can get you members and its gives our current members something different to do so they get the most out of the society. Its also nice timing with the new committee we should have by then:) 
Let me know,

Saturday 1 March 2014

Day 6957

Now to label and post..... This took... More effort than I was expecting... .

I don't even know what happened with this one....

Kinda cute I guess

It's a lilly... So.... In the water.... meh o.o

^ second fave I guess

I don't like the face n this.... but the dress is awesome o3o

This didn't really work....

Okay I guess

^ I think this is my fave......

This i kinda like but not entirely 

Friday 28 February 2014

Day 6956

>.> totally not 2pm and I'm still in PJs <.<.....>.>''' Haha... <.<;;;;; ha.

Things to ask for

Okay so o.o In light of the tea party society now under way I'm asking you guys if you have any spare/unwanted/ want to donate to good cause things? The more things mix and match the better as Alice and wonderland is the first theme so o.o It works really well if you only hand like >.> one cup you didn't want.....

Tea cups
Tea pots
Tea strainers

Coffee machine
Cake forks/teaspoons
Table cloths
Material ( bed sheets )

Unwanted tea /coffee >.>.....
Vases would also be good o.o

And o.o even if you don't have any would you be able to ask parents or family or friends or yes <.<......

Thursday 27 February 2014

Day 6854


o3o tea and cake shall commence soon.

Also now I have all my cards back. So..... All that work I've been putting off o.o ... I kinda need to do it. My teachers must be kinda annoyed at my lack of productivity recently o.o

And my room is a mess o.o 

And I need a shower o.o...... Might go do that now..... Rewatch some animations curl my hair make thumbnails.... O.o ideas....

Rosie recommendations on Drawing

1 - Artist colour study - Thumbnail size famous piece of art and then copy it largescale the point being to be  getting the colours as close as you can only using your eyes, to help with colour understanding.

2 - Musical images - Listen to music with a range of crayons at your fingertips and then draw how you see the music, you'll concentrate on how it makes you feel and the parts that are repeated and how it all works together thus giving you a better understanding of the kind of music to use in your work. Also helps with colour theory and practice of mixing crayon colours.

3 - Timed life drawings - From 30 seconds to 15 minutes, Real life or from images getting used to sketching the human form quickly in a few strokes that will help train your eyes to see proportions and to better express what you want to do in the future, 

4 - A drawing a day - Let your imagination go free this is your chance to come up with whatever you want, and keep a record of it somewhere because although it may not be useful now in  the future, you never know it might be. This works for story ideas or character designs also

5 - Look at other media - keep an eye on art blog sites and pages to be inspired by what's already out there, listen to music, read books. Don't confine yourself to one style or understanding of art explore all the different areas, this will help you grow as an artist

6 - Draw without looking - Take your time the aim of this is to go as slow as you can, find an object or someones face and without looking or taking your pen of the paper draw them ... These probably won't look amazing, but that's not the point of this exercise.

7 - Draw with your other hand - Right handed? Draw with your left. Left handed? Draw with your right and hey at least if you become a master at this and you break one hand you'll have a back up plan right? 

8 - Sketch book - This is your bible, have it on you just write random notes in it, do random drawings, see something cool? Sketch it. Kinda like a visual diary I guess it's just good practice.... And fun. 

9 - Practice - If you want to get better at something faster do it when you're relaxed and happy and when you WANT to do it the happier you are about doing something the faster you will learn it... Because of hormones and things O.o Well you'll want to quit less.... But yes this is a skill you will need to practice. 

10 - Don't be disheartened - You may look at other peoples images and think... I'll never be that good.... Why am I even trying? What's the point of this? There are so many good artists already I can't bring anything new let alone good to the table.... This is something a lot of people feel even the accomplished ones and it's totally normal. Instead of looking at others work and thinking "  I will never be able to do that...." Try changing your mindset and think " one day I'm going to be better than that" 

Monday 24 February 2014

Day 6852

What an eventful weekend XD

So first bought the wrong ticket then had to buy another one.

Then when first arriving in london on the friday I was approached by a crying lady who explained she'd missed her coach and needed to get the train, she'd tried to go on the trains without a ticket and had been caught and had a warning notice.... On paper that I saw.... She said she only needed £8.... and she was in a rush and going to miss the train which was the only way to get there on time.. So... I gave her £10 o.o and then.... A lady approached me after and asked, did you give that woman money and I was like o.o''... Yes O.o.... and she was like o.o She's probably a con women so then we go find security so they know about her and no one else gets caught but.... Deary me.  How gullible and naive am I?

Then on the coach to Norwich I met this lovely old gentleman and we were talking but then I fell asleep and then I woke up and he was gone o.o

THEN at 00:05 I met with saaaaaaaraaaaaaaaah O3O o.o I was all exited and was waving a lot and all happy and yush o3o A little confused also as the stop before hand pretty much everyone got off and I was like O.o...Do I get off here...? But yeah :)

We looked round Norwich and went into a shop with giant meringues and in the end didn't get any XD had some really lovely soup though. We tried on prom dress's and I was drawing on one of the tester pen sheets in another shop using any pen and then the person was looking over at us and we were like <.<'' yes? And then Sarah saw there was a tester pen pot o.o... and yeah o.o... We left o.o

ALSO there was this shop with shoes and they had gears on and they were awesome and they were £70 O.o so much for shoes o.o I could buy.... so much cake with that.

Speaking of cake, Rhys and Alan are also coming to eat cake in 3 years :D - They are Sarahs friends and are both lovely :) I get the feeling Tom will no longer be coming o.o

And then in the evening Sarah tried to take me to a party..... >.> ..... Wasn't drinking there was lots of music... It ... was not my scene o.o But I met all her friends and we played cards and that was fun and Sarah is super good at singing o3o and she has a person who she knows and she looks like elsa o.o

They all say the medics are very clicky o.o I'm not sure thats really true per say I think its more they are a little adverse to things that are different o.o but even then I don't think that's really true o.O I don't know. Either way they were lovely, I was so awkward >.>

When Rhys first met me he was like "you're pretty" and I'm not entirely sure what face I gave him XD but he followed it up super quick with that he was gay :3 He is awesomes and likes tea and cake :D So I'm glad Sarah has a friend like him o.o

And we watched mulan an went for a walk round the lake ( briefly) and then we looked in this art museum that was a bit hit and miss and we ate turkey dinosaurs and drank tea and it was aweomes o.o

And I braided Sarahs hair and the first time it worked pretty well and was all neat and lovely the second time the top bit was messy :( but still okay o.o And sarah thought she lost her card but then found it - In a pac of cards. And Sarah showed me how to do eyeliner :3

And then on the way back I lost my koala purse that has EVERYTHING (card wise) D:  but it is with the coach people so now I need to send them a letter and then they will send it back to me :) YAY Though I'm not sure how I'm going to pick it up o.o ...... Oh well :3

Oh also... Did you notice... In that picture that my hair is uh.... >.> blonder <.<? I look like a chav when I put it in a pony tail XD It's yellow blonde aha, I wonder if it's going to go brassy :L

Friday 21 February 2014

Day 6949

I'm off to see Saraaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Was planning on catching the 7 am coach get there for 2 pm o.o I bought the ticket for yesterday not today so have got another ticket and that leaves at 5.30 and o.o so I'll get there for 00:05 tomorrow......  yay!

Also have homemade sushi made by a few of the guys on my floor and also have now collected all the kinder egg disney princess's! So much wasted money >.>

Koala nails!!!! :D

I'm so tired o..o

Thursday 20 February 2014

Day 6948

Bacon, brie, baguette <3 so much yummy ness

and lychee juice and popping candy and bubble wash stuff and yush o3o

seeing wifey tomorrow :D for the weekend which will be good o.o

TtR audio mix is done and Isaac thought of some really awesomes sound trackyness o.o

My ear is all awful :( ths plaster

Thing of today