Friday 17 January 2014

Day 6914

That face though.... 

  • To draw:
"Ok split the human into two. Right is demon, left is angel. angel = a templar larger armor, white, a cross in the middle of his chest so half a cross? demon = a pentagram on the chest, so half a pentagram? A female half angel half demon, half angel. Sword in one hand, a bow in the other, coal black bow (demon), a longsword (angel). half face hooded (demon) half face not hooded (angel). A female half angel half demon, half angel. Sword in one hand, a bow in the other, coal black bow (demon), a longsword (angel). half face hooded (demon) half face not hooded (angel).
Long blond hair, long to half her back? hope that makes sense I want her to be happy.
Standing with hands out, bow in one hand , sword in other."

  • Almost finished Soul Eater. Almost sketched up first 15 Pages of the comic. Almost planned out the Jelsa animation... 

  • Things I'm nowhere near finishing.... 

- 3D Timmy the Reaper
- High noon 
- Snail
- Shy blob
- King Koala storyboard 
Hedgehog storyboard 
- Jelsa animatic thing... 
- Paint
- Object paint in 4 differnt moods
- Landscape paint

So many plans so little production.


Animation people came in today, and by that I mean twins and by twins I mean HENRY AND THOMAS PURRINGTON..... o.o.... Yes....The caps were totally needed....
 They work for a sister company of something.... or.... I don't know, but they have worked on some really cool things.  Casual linkages

  1. Showreels most important - 30 seconds 8 shots, make them count
  2. Apply for everything the good, bad, out of league... Everything O.O
  3. The rest of Europe is way ahead of us animation student wise and applying early is a good idea o...o
  4. Network - Yeah... That's.... "Network" Seems to mean chatting at the pub TT_TT I mean... With friends it's fine I can order tea we play chess, is all good... With random people.... o.o.... Well they'd remember me right? I have no clue. 
  5. Online presence 

O.O I just did that thing where you bite your nail.... and then it goes back to far O.O WHY DID I DO THAT O.O and now it stings.... yay.

Found this art blog. Loving the backgrounds very much the kinda shading and things <3  Think I'll try and do that in Jelsa

Thing of today

I've also come to the conclusion that making things look like a gentleman just makes them instantly look awesome o.o 

Jelsa - Where the hot guy is freezing and the leading lady couldn't get any cooler >3>.... Oh my I'm sorry XD

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Day 6912


- comic
- Jelsa basic animatic...

- 9-11 Lessons eat Lessons 4-7 anime shopping

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Day 6911

Split screen something like this I think.

I think these 3 videos will be the most influential to say the least.


This.  <- Disney duet songs.... So weird how some fit really well.  At parts.... On a side note I  hate mac keyboards o...o

Monday 13 January 2014

Day 6910

So much tired, so little sleep. 

Ah man this frozen thing is so much fun <3 Am going to work on it at uni o3o But... I am fairly tired haha. Yay for concealer! 

It's almost all planned out, just slowly editing and adding more to it bit by bit :3 !!!! Made an animation :3

This is 17 frames... That took me 2-3 hours O.O and the frozen one is going to be..... 2000? Hah.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 6909

4 posts in one day? What is this madness.
Red - Elsa, Blue - Jack, Purple  - Together

- snowflake is jack, draws her attention to him.
- She jumps from screen to screen, falls, he catches her,
- In the end he fades away.

- Snow white everything else grey/blue hues.
- She is on one mountain facing > he is on his one facing <

- 7  Frozen "Main credits" fade in  - Split screen silhouettes Jack on his staff, Elsa walking head down her cape flailing out behind her - Bg charas fade out, words transform into snowflakes
- 14 snowflakes flurry away, zoom and track one that falls onto elsa's side of the screens.

Keep the split screen as two differnt videos/split screen windows 7 styles/ inside youtube

*The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
She steps out of the shadows Snowflake falls into her hand, Close up closes her hand on it   
*Not a footprint to be seen
Close up of her eyes as she looks the other way/hair covers camera as it transitions to LS
*A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the Queen
Looking down on her, show her in the center of her side of the screen surrounded by darkness. her looking up, raising her hands  - Takes a bow
*The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Brings arms into herself, crouched over, swirly hair, Have her throw a swirl of snow that lights up the darkness to her right show Jack's outline in his video - sitting on the staff. He watches the snow go to the other side brows furrows, and reaches out to her
*Couldn't keep it in; Heaven knows I tried
as the light starts to fade from Jacks side he looks around and then bangs on the glass ( Ice appears on the screen, and cracks towards her)  and waves trying to get her attention, cracks of white fractals spreading from the darkness, towards her - blue glow.

*Don't let them in, don't let them see
ELSA POV She turns and sees the ice, coming towards her, she can't see Jack
Jack POV  he sends out a wave of ice to her side growing like a vine, she has arms tucked around herself and slowly backs away,
*Be the good girl you always have to be
Elsa POV She reaches the edge of the screen and can't get out any further, the point getting thinner as it appears

*Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
The sharp point turns into an ice rose - on know - Her POV have her reach out eyes closed and as she touches it close up on the fingers touching the petals
the ice Jack is revealed behind the shards she can see him
Flash of white 

-Well now they know
Flurries of wind/white appear around Jack as he Jumps down off the staff, and wedges it into the ground / Elsa looking around wide eyed as the ice and snow fall into snow

-Let it go, let it go
He gestures his hands outstretched to her sending his hand to her in an icey form to her side, hesitantly she takes it 
-Can't hold it back any more
His grasp slips backwards as pulls her gloves away - mimic the motion on his side
-Let it go, let it go
Close up of her face her hair unraveling, him smiling and singing vocals
-Turn away and slam the door
All the snow from her side swooshes past into his , spinning her close to the middle
-I don't care about what they're say
Butterfly like snow is now flying into the air, lifting his staff as the flurries rise
She looks tentatively through the other side  
-Let the storm rage on
continues lifting - "on" drops it all on elsa 

*- The cold never bothered me anyway
She raises an eyebrow and undoes her cloak
- music 
- she makes a magic snow ball - large
- as she throws it it looses a little of its size but still reaches jack

* It's funny how some distance
cameras pan out to show the massive gap between the two mountains
*Makes everything seem small
starts a run up
*And the fears that once controlled me
She jumps anyway but then starts falling arms out slow motion
*Can't get to me at all
He catches her tim returns to normal  on his and flys with her to the ground on his side

-It's time to see what I can do
Holds out his hand with staff- stands behind her
-To test the limits and break through
Pushes the box with ice - elsa steps backwards 

*No right, no wrong, no rules for me,
She joins him pushing also with ice, quickly throws her crown into the over side as the window closes
*I'm free!
She transforms into the ice dress - one hand up against the bright light whilst she transforms then blushes - mouth "wow" - Turn into stars in the sky

-awesomes bits with them all amazing
*-Let it go, let it go
Camera drops down to show them on the mountain edge shooting stars go by, jack picks her up and spins her around
*-I am one with the wind and sky
 Dance against the moon silhouetted begin walking on clouds// on the staff, 
*-Let it go, let it go
- she spins over to the left snow spinning creating lines arms out stretched but still touching, lines fade backwards as they retreat so does she so there arms are --- like he's backwards hugging her

*-You'll never see me  cry
she slowly spins, mid shot and it freezes with  her staring up at him

*-Here I stand
 LS walking across the staff to other side Camera outward Zoom her standing on the staff, all titanic style,
*-And here I'll stay
arms interlink and throw snow in either direction 
*-Let the storm rage on
arms rising creating a flurry

Music -  as there arms rise so do they Flying round the clouds, higher and higher towards the moon, 

-My power flurries through the air into the ground
-They are up in the sky, they fly down on his staff , she covers her eyes and he uncovers them Like a wave spreading out, rising then falling and spreading outside the box, over the red bar,
*My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
From the ground grows fractal like plants outside of the box
*- And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
Singing together, Ice blasts from the plants "buds"
* I'm never going back, - the past is in the past
Her step out/ Him Come out also outside the "youtube box"  they go to colour

More awesomeness. 
*- Let it go, let it go
let it go jump foot snow splash foot snow splash, spin arms in the air going one way
(3.01 - 3.05)
* And I'll rise like the break of dawn
- spin other way round circles coming out of them, curl into themselves snow disapears
(3.05- 3.08)
*- Let it go, let it go
Kick snow into air spin with thinner and longer lines, it falls to the ground arms throw it to the side
(3.08 - 3.12)

*That perfect girl is gone
Sitting on top of the YouTube box, jumps down
*Here I stand
On the bottom of the screen - Jack flying up to the top of the screen
- In the light of day
Pulls down the windows screen to show windows background, of her balcony,
- Let the storm rage *- on
Kicking lights and forming them with hands into the air - like stars

*-The cold never bothered me anyway.
Looks like there about to kiss but then they both blow a snow flake into the screen and it ends with the door shutting just like from frozen. - the lights the created slowly fading


- insert more music here.

From the youtube search bar, Elsa grabs the words " Frozen - Let it go " And places it on the black youtube part of the page. The word's disney and whoever wrote the songs name appear faded behind those words

He takes the background Youtube video ( that will be a link to Isaac's page ) and puts that on the screen

He takes her voice and puts that on the page next ( like Ariel ) - Link to the singer
She take his voice at the same time and they both kinda ice them onto the page.

Finally the animations themselves flittter into the screen and it says animated by Roseanna Warr

As the credits continue to scroll off screen

The amazingness!!!! 

Okay so, I asked my music friend if he could make it and adn and adn andsj erawe fjk <3 He did and it's amazing and I'm so very happy right now... And am up in 5 hours <.< but this is so awesomes <3 He is awesomes and o.o I am so happy haha.

Day 6909

Daily mugshot

Someone did a low poly version of some ff12 charas <3

How adorable is Ashe <3

She was by far my fave chara XD With fran pretty close. Though Balthier was also pretty awesome, though he used guns... And I can never quite remember his name. 

ALSO LOOK - yes you non existent people >.>... My days.

We need to design a character for Maya and so.. I'm looking at other peoples o.o Am thinking of making a plant person maybe? Like a lolita plant person.... Or... Something o.O

So many posts today..... I blame the internet. 

Comic chapter name - Fools gold

I added labels!!! 

Day 6909

So.... Basically thinking turning the song into a duet, save instead of Elsa being a strong independant woman!... I'ma make it so Jack is the one telling her to let it go and be herself....  

Lyrics from here


Jack wouldn't really be affected by her ice...I think at first she wouldn't be able to see him either..... 

Haha maybe I can link this into it XD

:bulletgreen:01 - Holding hands
:bulletgreen:02 - Cuddling somewhere
:bulletgreen:03 - Gaming/watching a movie
:bulletgreen:04 - On a date
:bulletgreen:05 - Kissing
:bulletgreen:06 - Wearing eachothers’ clothes
:bulletgreen:07 - Cosplaying
:bulletgreen:08 - Shopping
:bulletgreen:09 - Hanging out with friends
:bulletgreen:10 - With animal ears
:bulletgreen:11 - Wearing kigurumis
:bulletgreen:12 - Making out
:bulletgreen:13 - Eating icecream
:bulletgreen:14 - Genderswapped
:bulletgreen:15 - In a different clothing style (Visual Kei, gyaru, lolita, ect. )
:bulletgreen:16 - During their morning ritual(s)
:bulletgreen:17 - Spooning
:bulletgreen:18 - Doing something together (this can be anything from watching tv to having sex.  Just remember to tag appropriately.)
:bulletgreen:19 - In formal wear
:bulletgreen:20 - Dancing
:bulletgreen:21 - Cooking/baking
:bulletgreen:22 - In battle, side-by-side
:bulletgreen:23 - Arguing
:bulletgreen:24 - Making up afterwards
:bulletgreen:25 - Gazing into eachothers’ eyes
:bulletgreen:26 - Getting married
:bulletgreen:27 - On one of their birthdays
:bulletgreen:28 - Doing something ridiculous
:bulletgreen:29 - Doing something sweet
:bulletgreen:30 - Doing something hot (once again, be sure to tag if you make it extremely NSFW!)


Jack design
(Man this picture is so awesome o3o)

Elsa design
I'm thinking a bit more winx like but pretty much this.... 

Helpful things . 

Maya chibi face

Tutorials ( has heart, cup, coin)

Thinking something like these. So, Elsa in one side and then Jack in the other and they break into each others worlds - removed the actual image/videos as was taking too much space.

Amos the Transparent Lemons videos