Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 6768

Two posts in one day? And not lists! What is this madness?!

A place online I used to hang out at a lot is a chat called Impurus. Then I kinda... Left. Now I don't really talk to anyone from there, save imma and that's normally only about TtR stuff...Not that I regret leaving per say and until recently I haven't been back, though I still have it on my favorites tab and visit every now and again. Being an anon can have its perks, aha.

But um yeah, they do RP tournaments called breaking point and they can be fun to read live. Though often the responses can take hours and they happen when I'm asleep what with different time zones and all. SO I shall be posting some of my fav lines from the tournament in here so I can find them some point in the future... Or something. ( Most will be from Imma as he's such a good writer) ( or all of them... )

"A grin crept over his face, his red eyes shimmering.
My, you seem rather edgy. I hope you're not nervous.
Raising his sword in a diagonal fashion, the sheath dispersed into black cinders and exposed the straight blade as it ignited with red fire.-
I always allow my opponent the first move. Consider me the black chess piece, and you the white." - Imma

“It’s been so long since I’ve fought someone using a scutum. The make-up is different, but I’m sure the fighting principles are the same. I bet I knew some stern Roman who could’ve taught you how to use one properly, but alas, I probably scorched him and his entire legion to the ground. Have you ever seen a man screaming to get out of his armour as it dripped hot down his body? Not pleasant.” - Imma

Immaculus had fought a great deal of warriors in his long life: some faster than him, some smarter, some reckless, but no matter what class of fighter he faced, he couldn’t remember the last time one of them willingly entered his aura’s three metre parameter. 
“Oh dear…” - Imma

“Ever seen a boy burn an ant under a magnifying glass? Well, you’re right under my lens.”        - Imma

 -He watched as Immaculus’ arm moved to release what was likely a wave of fire judging by the energy building up in the blade. Fast – very fast – but not enough. Isaac swung his clenched left fist forward in a simple straight, a sphere of wind rushing into the centre of the flames, picking up sand from below as it moved to form a track from where the energy had moved. The sand, gathering in the ball of intense air, turned to glass as it passed into the heat that rolled off of the flames; creating a football-sized globule of molten glass.- - Zen  

Day 6768

I got new clothes! Not that I need any more, but these were ridiculously cheap, aha. (Very pretty also.) Another pair of heels that I'm totally going to wear so much... Because I go out and do things that need heals oh so often....Please note the heavily laden sarcasm in that sentence again they aren't something of a need definitely a want.  Minor details aside.

But yeah new clothes, no migraines it's all going rather well I think.

New story started, she could go work for her half brother? Or uncle or something to look after his kids, one will be an older guy possibly older or the same age, but also a young kid who she would be keeping care of// being a maid in return for her keep. Then when she hears about this brilliant opportunity to not only rule but have money she leaps at the chance. Thus her dead parents are an easy excuse and the older boy will have an easy romance time thing along side... 'cause that's not cliche at all.... Hmmm well o.o It's a start. May stick with the current idea but just re draw it.... Or something O.o

Still need to start packing things for uni... Tidy my room... Do something with my messy hair.

But I shall probably just play gw whilst listening to an audio track.

On another note someone showed me this game the idea is to make lots of cookies o.o..... lots of them O.O and yeah o.o

Yay for no migraines o.o just to put that in again...


Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 6766

UNIVERSITY POST about stuff.....

Lists again~ This time it's a price check for all the stuff that I shall probably not need but probably will want.

  • Soap dish: 
  • Bin:
  • Toothbrush holder:
  • Basket for things:
  • Loo brush:
  • Toilet roll holder:
  • Squeegee (shower wiper) 
  • Mugs:
  • Coasters:
  • Placemats
  • Door stop:
  • Towels:
  • Bath Mat:
  • Apron:
  • Oven gloves:
  • Kitchen Utensils:
  • Kitchen roll holder: 
  • Can opener:
  • Collender:
  • Cheese grater:
  • Measuring spoons:
  • Tea towels:
  • Sugar/Tea pot:
  • Scales:
  • Toothpaste: 
  • Plastic boxes:
  • Clothes washing tablets:
  • Batteries:
  • Nail clippers:
  • Nail brush:
  • Another hair brush:
  • Hair Spray: 
  • Wash basket bag: 
  • Clothes dryer
  • Towel rail

Clothes to buy:

  • Black tank top
  • Jeans
  • Leggings
  • Possibly trainers? If can find cheap ones

Currently taking and owning list.
basically just listing off most of the things in my room >.>

  • All documents needed to get in.
  • Tea - Herbal and normal 
  • Bedding - may need another mattress sheet
  • Blanket
  • Face wipes
  • Hand soap
  • Body wash enough for quite a few months >.> casual sponging of off mother...
  • Face wipes
  • Makeup - may need more concealer 
  • Shoe rack
  • TV
  • Xbox
  • Games 
  • Laptop
  • Radio
  • Clock
  • Basic sewing kit
  • All art stuff
  • Extension cord
  • Hair curlers
  • Hair Dryer
  • Food bags
  • Tissues 
  • Bin bags
  • All purpose cleaner
  • Toilet cleaner ( it's a duck one >.< ) 
  • Mirrors as many as I can take :L
  • Rubber duck + Couple of koalas
  • Lamp
  • Calendar
  • Money pot
  • Headphones
  • Passport
  • Purse
  • Ibuprofen
  • All other pills and medical things 
  • Phone 
  • Charger 
  • Poi
  • Torch
  • Duvet
  • Memory foam
  • Wash basket
  • Board game box
  • Jewellry box + brown spotted dress stand

Things I currently have and am not sure if I will be or won't be taking... Probably will...

  • Cutlery set
  • Towels 

Shoes and Clothes and things.... another list, for another time.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day 6765

Perhaps one of the more frustrating things about planning what to bring for university is not being sure about what is already provided... The booklets do say the basics but I wish I'd looked round the halls or could find a photo to know what to bring!

Oh well, it's still a fair way aways and what's the worst that can happen.
I wonder what my teachers will be like...

Mediocre - Tells
Good - Explain
Superior - Demonstrates
Great - Inspires

- William Arthur Ward

I'm not sure if any of my teachers have been particularly inspirational, or if they have I've forgotten them, though my past media teachers were definitely in the good to superior category.

On another note I'm thinking of entering another competition. The rules say it has to be under 3 mins and everything you film has to be filmed with a phone.   You are allowed to edit on anything and add sound of any kind so long as you have permission... But yes. Whilst this all sounds well and good I'm not entirely sure what I will do...

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 6764

So many things to post and say.... Well lets start it off with I GOT INTO PORTSMOUTH UNI! Yay, and all that jazz. Will be starting the start of September, shall see how it goes aha.

Shall probably just post a list of holiday things now but yes perhaps more interesting posts in the near but distant future but, then again... I doubt it.

That said ... I don't know where to start, and half of it I have already forgotten :/ so for now I think it shall be left.

Back to University stuff, I know 3 people that seem to be who I shall be sharing the kitchen with.

Well that's about all for now~

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 6737

Holiday log of things, the lack of images will no doubt add to this mundane post but oh well~ That's kinda the idea of this page.

Friday - Arrived in Denmark, back at the farm with horses and cats <3 There is also or was...Probably still is... Anyways a cherry tree, with really tasty fruit, though quite a few possibly infected cherries O.o....

Saturday - Walked to the castle nearby, found out you can walk through the woods to the sea. Made a small daisy chain but was not sure how to tie it... So it kinda fell apart as one would expect. There were also cobbles made of wood named by my boyfriend's dad "wobbles".  Finished the book "Changeling"... Probably wouldn't recommend it but that's just me. We also ate BBQ in the afternoon which was so tasty <3 the corn mostly <3 such yummy corn.... AND THEN we played Globetrotter, We all made it to africa which was the third region, whilst bf's dad was far off in australia and one the game. Things I did not know but should have,  mexico day with mortes - day of the dead, cuba biggest export sugar but most known for cigars. I could also by the end of the game read "the capital city of a country" and "what is the national language" Language being......Sprog. Such an amusing word XD

Sunday - We went to the sea~ And the water was fairly cool, or rather the wind was which made it cool, also made a tree branch become a clothes rack. Just thought I'd add my mini achievement in there :P Later, a lot later in the evening Bonnie Raitt was live on stage performing and I was standing right at the front, with my boyfriend his sister and his dad and sisters boyfriend, the whole group. Later into the night my knees were dying so much, I am not good at standing up it seems. The pianists faces were so amusing, he looked  as if he was having a fit/orgasming over the organ/keyboard though he did have a good voice, as did she. Perhaps not my style of music. There was a very awkward part were she said something along the lines of "There is this pretty young lady with her boyfriend down here, and it's so sweet, and I have no idea how you found me and then something about adel covering one of her songs." To which I stood awkwardly looking at my boyfriend and not really knowing what to say or do XD. There was also a very drunk guy... that was... Interesting... Though he was shorter than me so that was cool.

Monday - During my free time for the past week or so I'd been working on the Three days grace animation and this day was pretty much spent finishing it off.... I ran out of time, and my drawing/animating ability sucks! Future Rosie you better be damn good at animating soon and not making these cringey third rate ones. Be at least second rate, 'kay?

Tuesday - Only yesterday and yet I've already forgotten most of it... In short it was a beautiful sunny boat trip around Copenhagen there were dragon towers, submerged sculptures, the little mermaid, yummy ice creams, twin swans, many bad photos taken, a black library, an opera house with a rather large roof that people can jump of off, little white jellyfish floating in the shallows, really really pretty river houses with large steps leading up into the middle of them. Also my boyfriends sisters boyfriend... because that's not complicated to write out. Anyway he started teaching me the first part to howls moving castle :3

Wednesday - AND TODAY we went to a zoo. SO SO much awesome stuff... hmmm I guess I'll just write it out as it comes to mind and probably not with much detail... so many of it may not make sense once my memories fade... But oh well~

  • Minni flamingos ( they weren't flamingos but were in the same enclosure) sitting up in a tree
  • Polar bears are a lot bigger than I thought, one was bouncing on a barrel
  • and you could go under it and watch it swim, though watching it go back and forth made me feel a little queasy. 
  • seals are so so so cute they were swimming towards us and showing us their tummies and >.> I want one <3 I saw a lot of animals I would like aha
  • primate house was pretty cool, there was an iguana that when it put my finger to the glass it came up and kept trying to put its foot to the glass, its skin was peeling off. and baby golden lion monkey things crawling right up close to the glass,
  •  Churro - a snake like donut so very tasty 
  • snakes tortoises and frogs are really  good at hiding.... 
  • The rain forest area was very humid, but finding all the tiny tiny frogs was really fun, many of them looked all slimy and rubbery but they were also so cute <3 and there was a butterfly garden with massive butterflies and you could get right up close and look at them and they wouldn't fly away 
  • boyfriend kept getting annoyed that i was wondering off to look at things... but i just looked at them faster is all...
  • we saw tigers and elephants also both with there own young, was very cute one of the tiger cubs kept getting close to the water then would back away and they were play fighting with each other and I can understand to some degree why people would kill them for the coats as they were very beautiful, but still... Better on the animal I think. 
  • the elephants were throwing sand over them selves which was amusing
  • then to the ant eaters! Which i don't think are that amazing, but everyone else seemed to really like them
  • and there were camels double backed camels >.< I don't know why but they just made me laugh so much, they just amuse me for no real reason aha.
  • ALSO there were giant guinea pigs, called capybaras and and they are so cute and funny and apparently the largest rodent
  • Then we went through into the savannah area which was nice enough with the usual savanna animals
  • the emus and the wallabies were going mental at one point, the emu chicks were running round helter skelter and chasing the wallabies and, oh it was just amusing aha
  • and at the petting zoo you could pet the goats and also we stroked some baby rabbits o3o they were so cute I just wanted to pick it up and steal it and it was amazing <3 
And thats ... a fair amount

Friday 12 July 2013