Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day 6765

Perhaps one of the more frustrating things about planning what to bring for university is not being sure about what is already provided... The booklets do say the basics but I wish I'd looked round the halls or could find a photo to know what to bring!

Oh well, it's still a fair way aways and what's the worst that can happen.
I wonder what my teachers will be like...

Mediocre - Tells
Good - Explain
Superior - Demonstrates
Great - Inspires

- William Arthur Ward

I'm not sure if any of my teachers have been particularly inspirational, or if they have I've forgotten them, though my past media teachers were definitely in the good to superior category.

On another note I'm thinking of entering another competition. The rules say it has to be under 3 mins and everything you film has to be filmed with a phone.   You are allowed to edit on anything and add sound of any kind so long as you have permission... But yes. Whilst this all sounds well and good I'm not entirely sure what I will do...

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