Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 6768

I got new clothes! Not that I need any more, but these were ridiculously cheap, aha. (Very pretty also.) Another pair of heels that I'm totally going to wear so much... Because I go out and do things that need heals oh so often....Please note the heavily laden sarcasm in that sentence again they aren't something of a need definitely a want.  Minor details aside.

But yeah new clothes, no migraines it's all going rather well I think.

New story started, she could go work for her half brother? Or uncle or something to look after his kids, one will be an older guy possibly older or the same age, but also a young kid who she would be keeping care of// being a maid in return for her keep. Then when she hears about this brilliant opportunity to not only rule but have money she leaps at the chance. Thus her dead parents are an easy excuse and the older boy will have an easy romance time thing along side... 'cause that's not cliche at all.... Hmmm well o.o It's a start. May stick with the current idea but just re draw it.... Or something O.o

Still need to start packing things for uni... Tidy my room... Do something with my messy hair.

But I shall probably just play gw whilst listening to an audio track.

On another note someone showed me this game the idea is to make lots of cookies o.o..... lots of them O.O and yeah o.o

Yay for no migraines o.o just to put that in again...


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