Sunday 16 February 2014

Day 6944

So much cake!

Tom got me birthday cake o.o
Floor 5 got me birthday cake o.o
Lilly got me birthday cake o.o
My grandma got me birthday cake o.o

O.O My plan was to eat less junk food after my birthday.... I'm excluding birthday cake form my plan i have decided o.o It is too tasty o.o

In other news someone said I looked 14/15 on Saturday o..o and I have new nail varnish :o and o.o cake I also have cake ( Repeating to emphasise the sheer amount O.O - not a bad thing o.o just saying...bragging a little I guess... I'm not even sure... It made me happy so everyone has to know! Even you non existent people o.o)

Another thing I found over the weekend was news travels fast o.o .... Like random people at church new about relationships stuff and my aunt and yeah o.o

Also need to start thinking about grandparents birthday things o.o Thinking an event? But not really sure o.o

My room smells o....o

To buy:
- Bathroom cleaner
- Washing tablets o.o
- Patterned bed sheets/material
- decaf tea

Stuff I keep forgetting at home...
- Hair dryer
- Carpet tiles
- knife sharpener

Audio time


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