Thursday 6 June 2013

Day 6689

Dreams, so I had a dream... And I'ma write about it~

I was reading a book called Changeling by Philippa Gregory before I went to sleep o.o.... And I feel the main character from that somehow entered my dream and stuff.... Now I only remember certain parts and even though I've been constantly going over the parts I remember I'm sure this will make no sense to anyone but me~

Girl from the... now time? goes to the past, around tudor time. with... some exceptions >.>

The king or ruler of the land welcomes her and assigns her to a room that , is pretty basic but in the center of the little village. She has  boxes and boxes of her stuff and oh that's right before she got to the room they were traveling with horses like a whole army and her stuff was on a cart, then when they were near the village he told her were to go to ( that room) and said their would be more instructions in the morning, so they left her stuff on the cart and she had to go back and forward carrying these heavy boxes to her room.

Her room was on a second floor with like a balcony outside connecting all the rooms, I'm guessing below was some shops or something though that never came into the dream. But the entranceway to the stairs was really, really tight and at times in my dream it seemed like a liquid stone sometimes easily letting someone through and other times they had to scramble through tiny cracks that it made.

So that happened and then she was exploring and met someone her own age and they chatted for a bit but then, he left her and the more she walked there become less and less people around her. Until she reached like a rose garden and there was this women in a beautiful white dress and it was all flowy and pretty and there was a massive  pile of rose petals and two children were jumping  into them, though when they saw her they stopped  and kept looking at the women. And she walks over and my character said something  like she was lost should she not be here? or something I don't really remember words spoken in my dreams.  Um so the woman points at the ground and there is like a dark stone running through the otherwise creamy/grassy ground and she says that only royalty is allowed to pass it.

So after a quick exit she returns to her room, now filled with her boxes to find another box with a note that says please take this to the castle, to which the guy that owns the rooms and just happened to be leaning by the door says >.> something like you can take my car and dangles the keys in front of her and she's like no thanks I'll walk. And as she tries to get passed him there is a soft crying from the other room and he won't let her passed and she's like... Excuse me? Then after kinda staring at her for a while he shifts his weight and she passes under his arm.

As she goes outside she see's a bright yellow lamborghini ( I have no doubt that this was in my dream because i've seen photos of the one on the wall so often on imgur XD  ) and this was the car the guy was offering her...Anyways~ She doesn't know where to go gets sent to a field area by some kids they point at the big white tower in the distance   they all say go there. So she finishes playing and goes off across the fields and then theres this big army that isn't the one that she came with and they are all like, we won't kill you if you go back this city is surrounded no fighting and no one gets hurt, so off she goes back to the room and then the dude that blocked her way before was all like and now you shall sell your body so as to pay me rent and then she slaps him and he slaps her back and he leans in all creepy like and stuff.... That's when I woke up o.o.. I decided after waking that the leaning dude was part of the invading army and he thought he had more power than he actually had and yeah o.o

The end.

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