Sunday 9 June 2013

Day 6692

I had a thought just now about how I have a lot of things that I can talk to people about right now, specifically about my life, this was prompted by the amount of words and information I just spewed at my grandmother over the phone.

In other mind numbing information and stuff about things:
It's fathers day soon, then it's my grandmothers birthday and then it's my boyfriends... his sisters birthday is also coming up soon but, I don't really know anything that would be suitable to get her o.o so ... she shall just get a facebook message, I'd say I'd get her a card but it would be lying to myself, and setting unrealistic expectations.

That said for all my lack of interest and mild hate of cards I sent one to my boyfriend, yaaay. It had 100 paper cranes drawn inside it, then a sticky note saying good luck x10. I was thinking of finding/making a 4 leaf clover... but that would mean going outside ... and not getting to draw. I also "Sealed" the card :3 This is something I shall probably do forever! Because it amuses me o.o  So good luck in exams to everyone! Even though my luck will make no difference as you won't read it and even if you did...It would still not make a difference.

I have finished my exams YAY!!! ... Well, exam and in all honesty I think I shall get a D maybe a C if the examiner feels nice o.o... Because~ The answers I gave were not really in depth enough, analytical enough, or well "rich with external reference/examples"  so yes o.o.... I shall fail and not go to uni...Yet.

WHY ARE HEADPHONES SO EASY TO BREAK - first world problems... T.T

IN OTHER NEWS ( yay for caps lock... I'm sorry) um I have.... A billboard, now this is a little depressing, emphasis on the little, as when I tell people this they are like " what is that?" and they do know what it is, but don't expect me to have one and so do not react with the excitement that I want them to ... BUT then when they realise I mean the boards that go over roads and normally have advertisements they are like YAY congrats and I am like yesh <3. This is all from the Surreys Next Big thing competition and just  just... They are so lovely to me....  I am so thankful o.o..... But have no way of showing this V.V

Now originally I was not going to post this as it has my name on and, blogger tells me that people in america have viewed this blog O.O at like 3am, when I'm meant to be asleep o.o.. So I was like... They could stalk me, and find me and STUFF O.O then I quickly came to the conclusion that even if I didn't show the image and people wanted to find me it really wouldn't be that hard.

Also hello person from America! I wish you fast recovery from your mind numbness that is surely induced by this blog.

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