Friday 4 July 2014

Day 7082

My face... Nothing new really

Just came across this blog when I was looking for the chess tea party ideas and it's got some cute things on, like the above pictures. And it's still active so o.o There you go.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Day 7079

We can use Eldon cafe o3o!!!!!!!
We just have to clean up after ^.^ obviously o.o
So, when we make food - no cream, no nuts, no alcohol. Have passed the health and safety test. Have a sign informing people that there may be nuts in our products.
We can serve food at freshers ^^
Also Nick is actually a really awesome and nice guy o.o..... So o.o yush 

Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 7078

Casual selection of the many photos o.o
Casual selection of the more 'scene' style
Casual selection of the coupleyness
Casual selection for non existent people to see o.o
Casual selection of koala minecraftness o.o

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day 7074

Soooooo Maleficent... No.

Joli and Riley (The only man that acted at all well)  were awesome.... But Isaac picked up on the sound being out and the animation in some parts was... Not what I would have expected....

MY HAIR IS AMAZING..... Did I mention that? Aha.......

Day 7073


It's amazing <3 <3 <3 
Elliott dyed my hair for me and he is Isaacs brother and he is awesome o3o He just gave me an Aero >.>..... It is a mint one :3

o.o I have almost completed the monthly on GW o.o Just two more dungeons!
And Tom is being a little awkward about GW .... I mean yes it is his account... But for all intense purposes I'm the one that uses it :/ I don't mind buying the account from him, in fact I feel that would probably be fair...But STILL o.o I asked about changing the account main address so I don't have to wait and ask for the validation email, I don't mind talking to him every now and again but it's a little annoying having that kinda dependancy :/  Well... Yes... Anyway.... We shall see how it goes o.o Worse comes to worse I make a new seeker white and start over... TT_TT
But that won't happen because he is a nice human bean and it should be all good o.o

On another note..... LOOK AT MY HAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O It's amazing O3O

Monday 23 June 2014

Day 7071

The day of toxic gases o.o and love for Isaac was realised, even if one day we do break up, on this day and for many to come the love is true and we are very happy.

p.s. on a side note Isaac is really good at jumping puzzles! o.o And almost completed the GW2 monthly!!!!!!! :3

p.s.s. 130 day old relationship o.o 235 until a new blog comes up :o much mystery~

Friday 20 June 2014

Day 7068

Isaac is here !!!!!

We have ice lollies, it is sunny, and I am going to play gw2 >.> :3