Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day 7073


It's amazing <3 <3 <3 
Elliott dyed my hair for me and he is Isaacs brother and he is awesome o3o He just gave me an Aero >.>..... It is a mint one :3

o.o I have almost completed the monthly on GW o.o Just two more dungeons!
And Tom is being a little awkward about GW .... I mean yes it is his account... But for all intense purposes I'm the one that uses it :/ I don't mind buying the account from him, in fact I feel that would probably be fair...But STILL o.o I asked about changing the account main address so I don't have to wait and ask for the validation email, I don't mind talking to him every now and again but it's a little annoying having that kinda dependancy :/  Well... Yes... Anyway.... We shall see how it goes o.o Worse comes to worse I make a new seeker white and start over... TT_TT
But that won't happen because he is a nice human bean and it should be all good o.o

On another note..... LOOK AT MY HAIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O It's amazing O3O

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