Thursday 20 March 2014

Day 6976


Thank you for my nomination. Here's my cancer awareness selfie and shall be donating my £3 shortly  I nominate Jazz StonehewerRoseanna Warr andTori Abey  xx

My response
 Cancer awareness selfie with no make up. Check
Text BEAT to 70099 to donate. Check 
Nominate three lovely ladies Angelika WaigandSarah IrvingPhilippa Fairburn. Check.
Thanking you muchley Rachel Stout
More details here.

Impressed by the text reply thing they have set up, o.o but yeah £3 o.o What a good marketing scheme o.o  

Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 6972

Okay so... Tea party has had a bit of a hiccup :< 

So I started with a phone call and then mailed Denise
Hello again :) 
Okay so, the plan. Once a month on a Wednesday afternoon from 5pm-8pm ( though 7pm works as well if you need it to be earlier ) I would like to hold tea party meet ups in the Eldon cafe.
Each meet up shall have a different theme, these are this years ideas.
- Alice in wonderland - March 26th
- Gaming - April 23rd
- Space ( Though this will be held off campus ) - May 21st
- Human chess - Sept 24th
- Halloween - Oct 29th
- Murder mystery - Dec 24th

We will be able to provide our own kettles and coffee machines which would ideally be set up kinda near the entrance opposite the cafe though I'm unsure about plug socket availability and am open to suggestions or if this is isn't allowed another way to make the tea :) ( and other drinks for people who don't like tea....)
Food wise it will vary from theme to theme but as a rule there will be a mix of home made and bought food. Anyone making home made food will be supervised by or have taken the food exam at the union. We are planning on booking the computer for a day and getting everyone to do it in the next week or so. Bought food will probably be bought from a wholesalers/Local shops. Am also interested in contacting local cafes and seeing if they would want to sponsor us with food though I doubt this will happen before September if at all.
General set ups for each one would be, table cloths, a tier of sandwiches, scones, cakes, in a center piece
Apologies for contacting you so late I wasn't sure who to ask until recently....Sorry about this.
Thank you for your time if you need to know anything else feel free to email me or call me on - insert my number here ;) -
Thank you~

The response

Dear Rosie

Having spoken to my line manager we are unable to support this event and offer the Café as a venue
You would also need to seek permission from the Head of Catering should you wish to bring any food items in that have not been provided or made on site.
Many thanks

:< But why???? So I asked o.o

Can I ask as to the reason why you are unable to please? 
Thank you
Alternatively would I be able to contact your manager directly please? 

>.> Was nots happy you can see the shortness <.<..... Kinda mean >.> :<

And she replied
Yes of course his name is Nick Leach

That x at the end makes her seem super nice <.<........ V.V felt kinda bad.........

SO it continues with Mr Leach o.o and I said this

Following up on the response from Denise about using Eldon cafe I would like to ask you directly as to why we are unable to use the cafe space, once a month, on a Wednesday evening, between the hours of 5-7/8 for the Tea party society.
Additionally, I would also like to ask permission for bringing in food and drink that will be neither provided by nor made on site. It will be shop bought or made by students who have taken the health and safety cooking test at the union.

Many thanks

To which he said

Hi Rosie
Although your idea sounds very interesting it is not some thing I wish to agree to happening in catering coffee shops. We have a duty of care to both Students and Staff to provided a save and legal operated catering service. To operate any event in a catering area which may be perceived as being catering and were we have no control over the food and drink that is being offered is against all our policy's and procedures.
On your point of a Union safety cooking test, this is unknown to me.

o.o Is such a valid reason :< But the space is so awesomes o.o So talking to Tom and Isaac o.o we came up with dund udn duuuuuuuuuuuun

Hello again~
Although I understand that you and your staff have a duty of care to both students and staff, I do believe there can be a mutually satisfying solution.
The Union health and safety cooking test is mandatory, if you want to bring food into the university such as, for a cake sale etc. Either the cook has to have taken this test or be supervised by someone that has.... As of Monday I will ask Jemma and hopefully be able to reply with some more detailed information.  If the Union safety cooking test is not to a high enough standard, is there a course that I and committee members can attend to ensure that the expected standards are met? Or are there any particular certificates that we could obtain to satisfy the duty of care required?
If these options aren't available, would having an overseer at the start of each meeting, to look at the food and drink provided and make sure its all up to standard, be a possibility?
On another note could I please have a copy of your Policies forwarded to me or directions for how to find them? As I can currently only find the sustainable food policies online.
I would also like to know, what are the perimeters of the catering area in Eldon?
Ideally the tea party society would like to use the table and chair area once a month in Eldon because of the piano, easy access, and the outside right on the doorstep, and also the capacity to hold so many people. Additionally I would like to make it clear that the catering area itself is not necessary to the running of this society.  
Thank you for your time
Rosie :)   

Yup o.o I added the smiley face to try and make it a little nicer >.>.... Feel like I'm just badgering them <.<.... ALSO just to point out that I CAN write without emotes .o.o.... If I really want to... But look how serious it is o.o......

SO o.o hopefully its all going to work out okay >.>...... We shall see o.o or we shall find another place :<

Final update....I sent another email explaining what I knew about the test

Good afternoon~

After talking to Jemma I have found out that it is called "Food Hygeine: the basics"

The link below will take you to the providers of the tests FAQ section, where it does say "you can be sure your staff are adequately trained in the very latest in safe food and drink preparation." 
The test itself starts by going through a presentation and then there will be questions at the end. The test covers 6 chapters1) Know your enemy2) A clean kitchen needs you3) You need a clean kitchen4) Storage5) Chilling, freezing and cooking6) To protect and serve 
I hope this helps explain things and look forward to your reply Rosie ^.^

To which he replied..... Pretty quickly to

 Dear Rosie 

I have already explained my reasons and that is my final word. Your enclosed information does not hold any legal standings as its not endorsed by the Institute of Public Heath and Hygiene. It would not stand up in a court of law as food hygiene training should the University be sued by someone who feel ill following the consumption of food provided on site.

I have already explained my reasons and that is my final word. Your enclosed information does not hold any legal standings as its not endorsed by the Institute of Public Heath and Hygiene. It would not stand up in a court of law as food hygiene training should the University be sued by someone who feel ill following the consumption of food provided on site.

..... So that's where it's stood for the past few days.....

-1/07/14 Update-
We can use eldon cafe!!!! :D Lewis chatted to him on the phone, we started emailing again, met in person, and arranged everything :D
He's actually a genuinely nice guy o.o He explained that as soon as we started selling it instead of giving it away, it becomes a sort of contract, like if you were to buy something from the shops, you would have certain expectations. And because we ourselves weren't sueable it would go to the university. 
No cream, no nuts, no alcohol . Clean up when we are done. Pat test the urn. 
Also he's the one that set up the slow food society o3o how cool is that? Yes non existent people, it is very. 

Day 6972

Long time no post. This is my face... See how much it's changed.....( The photos I didn't upload earlier....)

1/5 - How I look when I first wake up >.>

2/5 Getting out of the shower look <.<

3/5 Hiding the hair in scarf look

4/5 This will have to do look

5/5 How I look when I come home

Todays! Check out that foundation mustache! 

Monday 3 March 2014

Day 6959

Posting artwork collections on issuu, hopefully now my uni blog shall die less o.o

Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 6958

Another group wants to collaborate :D!!!!!! 

So lego and gaming
and now slow food :D

Hi Roseanna, 
I'm Leanne, president of Slow Food on Campus. I was at the Activities Council when you got ratified, and love the idea. I know how difficult it is to start a group (I was one of the founding members of SFOC and it's not as easy as it seems haha!). Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to do a joint tea party event with Slow Food on Campus, it works well for us and we can probably raise interest in your society too which I know helps when you're just starting up :)
Let me know,

To which I replieeeeeeeeeeeed

Hi Leanne nice to meet you :D
I've just been stalking your facebook pages to find out a bit more about what you guys do - it looks awesome o3o Though the cake part of the tea party stuff may clash a little with what you're trying to promote. Health wise.... >.>''
But yes, in short I would love to. Are there any sort of themes that you feel would work in your interest?

Perhaps a cake making thing followed by a variety of tea tastings....
Or a challenge on a market day and groups have to find different foods and buy them and then come back and have a fruit fondue o3o
Or we go somewhere and pick fruit and make jam and eat it with scones o3o
Or perhaps a farmers market style tea party, with different cheese and meats and fruits and you can try them and it says where they came from, how much they are, where to get them from etc.....
Or a comparison between shop bought cakes and homemade ones....Shop scones.. Home made ones....
Or a cupcake icing event
o.o...............I'm just rambling now with half made ideas....

What sort of thing do you have in mind? Like, what could you offer us and what do you think we could offer you?
I look forward to hearing back from you and I apologise if this is email was a little confusing, but I've found this idea very exciting :)
Thank you

So much excitement o3o  .... Gosh I hope I haven't scared her away...

Hi Rosie,
Love the fact that you're sp excited by the idea. We are about healthy food but also the plain fact of making something from scratch. Pick your favourite of your ideas and we'll work something nice out. 
Itll probably be in April as ti.e is running short. U think we can get you members and its gives our current members something different to do so they get the most out of the society. Its also nice timing with the new committee we should have by then:) 
Let me know,

Saturday 1 March 2014

Day 6957

Now to label and post..... This took... More effort than I was expecting... .

I don't even know what happened with this one....

Kinda cute I guess

It's a lilly... So.... In the water.... meh o.o

^ second fave I guess

I don't like the face n this.... but the dress is awesome o3o

This didn't really work....

Okay I guess

^ I think this is my fave......

This i kinda like but not entirely 

Friday 28 February 2014

Day 6956

>.> totally not 2pm and I'm still in PJs <.<.....>.>''' Haha... <.<;;;;; ha.

Things to ask for

Okay so o.o In light of the tea party society now under way I'm asking you guys if you have any spare/unwanted/ want to donate to good cause things? The more things mix and match the better as Alice and wonderland is the first theme so o.o It works really well if you only hand like >.> one cup you didn't want.....

Tea cups
Tea pots
Tea strainers

Coffee machine
Cake forks/teaspoons
Table cloths
Material ( bed sheets )

Unwanted tea /coffee >.>.....
Vases would also be good o.o

And o.o even if you don't have any would you be able to ask parents or family or friends or yes <.<......