Friday 31 January 2014

Day 6928

My bedroom

Everything would be black and white

The ceiling would be covered in stars - with a built in alarm clock

The bed frame would be made as if grown from a tree. The branches spreading out across the walls - 

To create shelves, for the collection of books that I would have. 

But the bed would be slightly raised so I have space for things underneath it.

A wardrobe mirror would fill a wall.

A fish tank wall would be pretty cool. 

But yeah o.o 

Thing of today:

So much things that I will never use.


Day 6928

My flat mate Isaac o3o We've started cooking each other breakfasts o3o or o.o going to eat breakfast downstairs, which is nice. I eat breakfast and have good company ^^ 

My hair is all wavy and o3o!!!! But I'ma have a shower now so.... Will be no waves :( Thus captured in a photograph they shall be!

Am going to talk to union people today about tea party society o3o Have found the perfect place :D!!! 

Stolen thought of today. 
Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. -Martin Luther King Jr., civil-rights leader (1929-1968) 

Thursday 30 January 2014

Day 6927

Just nail things.

Things I have found hard with these nails - not impossible just... More time consuming

Unstrapping my bra
Going to the toilet
Opening the fridge
Putting on socks
Entering Pin
Tying shoe laces...

Things I'm finding near impossible

Opening the egg box......
Threading the oven gloves back through o....o
Taking the hair tie OUT of my hair D:
Getting keys out of bag


They look amazing o3o
They are super good at scratching
They make nice taping noises

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Day 6926

They have googly eyes on!!! - so impractical haha
They are only glue so they shall probably fall off soon but oh well :L 

Animation things.

EL -  W1.10

11th 2.00-3.30
12th  2.00-3.30
13th 3.00-5.00


D: This keyboard!!!  Pesky Macs -.-


On another note
RELATIONSHIP AMAZING NESS Do you suffer from oneitus? Girlfriend zone

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Day 6925

If you freeze at 0.47 and go high definition and look towards the back and see the blue lady o.o That is me o3o

The Battle of Nantwich 2014

Weekend Shenanigans o3o

More details

Day 6925

This.... Does the image outside my window no justice at all..... Either way the clouds and sea are so so pretty right now o3o

75 more days and I'll be 7000
44 more days and I'll be 6969

.... So all in all the 62 days worth of anime that I've watched isn't that much >.>.....

Will be doing acting today O.o.....What's the worst that can happen...ALSO O.O Finished the Frozen thing ideas last night and so o.o will do that soon :3 Aiming to get it done for March ( DvD Release time) o.o

Monday 27 January 2014

Day 6924

Back in Portsmouth!

Okay, so... What I'm about to say may just sound like a lot of complaining... And probably not very fun... But I had so much fun! So o.o Yes. 

- then a new day happened because rosie fell asleep....// was doing so much washing O.O- 
'nyways on with the blog! 

So went to Nantwich o.o 
I was a water carrier the outfit I was borrowing is so so so awesome <3 it's this white flowy sleeve top and this corset blue waistcoat and this really long skirt that is high waisted and amazing and then a blue jacket that is also very cute o3o

And so o.o I gave water to people and then they would be running into each other and all like "FIGHT" O.O and then they'd slowly drift towards us and we would back up pretty fast o.o was very very fun o3o

And I stole some peoples hats o3o and o.o later that night drew lions on lots of peoples hands :3 o.o am hoping to go back soon o.o but not sure when o.o


It was amazing. and everyone that I went with, I had a really fun time o.o o.o o.

Thing of today