Monday 16 December 2013

Day 6882

Home again home again tripity trot. I don't know how that is meant to go o.o

Mini rant o.o stop fancying me! I know how conceited this sounds but it seems that all my male friends are going through stages of having crushes on me( Well okay, not all.. Just clearly enough for me to make a blog post about it) . I don't understand it. Well I do. I'm averagely pretty - enough to be attractive but not so much they think I'm out of their league. More so when I wear make up. I have a bubbly personality all be it  fairly flirty also. (New years resolution number 1) And I'm fairly un judgemental... Or rather. I ask 5 questions and judge you on that ( or at least try to ) o.o Obviously I make judgements of people on how they look etc, but I at least try and get to know people a little before deciding if I'll like them o.o ....I'm open to most types of people o.o Girls I'm a little more cagey around at first though o.o hmm yes well.

O.O ANYWAY o.o could you all please stop. You're hurting yourselves and as much as I love the compliments and attention I'm starting to feel bad at gaining it at your expense. ..... Could I just post this on Facebook? Be like " Everyone back off get over it I'm not interested" TT_TT Why can't I just have friends? In that kinda brotherly way o..o

I say this now then probably by the time I find someone  I like, I'll be all like >.>.... What do I do <.<..... - insert blog post about feelings and not knowing how to express them- ..... I can see it now...

Second part of the mini rant. Words. Why do you evade me :(

I just... Can't think of words sometimes and it's utterly annoying. Typing isn't that bad, spelling mistakes aside I can normally say what I want to. But when it comes to speaking I'll ( for no good reason ) get mind blanks where I just can't think of a word. Like " bottle opener"  or... Okay that was the most recent so that's all I can remember of the top of my head. T_T I'm 18 and sober. Speaking should not be a problem :(

Friday 6 December 2013

Day 6872

So I don't drink all that much, and have yet to be drunk.

But so far the cures for hangovers are as follows

- drink a lot of water before you go to sleep to prevent having one
- don't drink too much to prevent having one

If you do have one, these are what are ment to make you feel better
- banana milk shake
- bacon sandwich o.o

I know that's only 3 real things... But it's something I've been taking note of recently o.o I wonder why....

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Day 6870


For the love of Death - death falls in love 

A fisherman's tale - a small fishing village terrorised by the king 

Prickalo and Dewliette - a tale of two unfortunate hedgehogs

Hodgeheg - a hedgehog that doesn’t fit in

Timmy the reaper - A young boy named Timmy who kills people in interesting ways

Why won’t you love me? - A young man who is unloved and turns into a strange creature thing

Runaway snails - My weird childhood….

Animation principles - all of it.

High Noon - cowboys be killing people

Bird - Unamused.

Christopher Durant - inspiring talk thing. ( like storm?)

The problem. The now. The future. - Foodbank promotional video

Brain waves - looking at how different event are registered in the brain


Dragon dynasty - rags to riches tale of a...stupid/interesting girl

Black box world - corruption and exploitation of classes

One piece - character twist image

Drawings for people - upload already D:< ….. Christmas? // draw digital?


The wind on fire
Darkglass Mountain
The black magician

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Day 6869

Dragon dynasty stuff again :o

1) she gets dragon and breaks arm 2) she meets music man 3) She gets her arm fixed, the french story is introduced and eye candy enters the pary 4) they decide to rob a train and the gun girl enters the story 5) There is a house that burns and pepoles ties are put to strain 6) she is in a market and has a conflict with the prince 7) She reaches the kingdom everything is almost going to plan
8) the king puts trials in her way
9) The characthers start to fall for the wrong people 10) The dragon almost kills everyone 11) ending part 1 12) ending part 2 o.o

Yeas o.o

yay for facebook text stuff

hello o.o yay back to normal :o

Monday 2 December 2013

Day 6868

How to end a "friendship".

* = my part in the convo
In all its texty bad writing.

18:22 No worries :3 having a mulled cider to warm me up whilst I wait. Wish theyd hurry, im hungrryyy o.o we should get food down gunwharf one evening rosie O.O

19:42 Or you could tell me to piss off, I dont mind :o eitherway, im at the pub with the peeps now, food and drink tiem :3


00:31 Rosie o.o we just got out of tiger tiger club. Drunk

01:52 * Was it fun :3?

01:54 Well fuck you then, I'm not your convenience

01:57 *O.o

13:21 *Want to elaborate on your last text?

13:28 Yeah, if you could not ignore my texts that'd be awesome -.- I never do that to you!

13:50 *And you really think that was the best way to get your point across? If I see I have a text then I will reply. I do not look at my phone all the time, less so when I am doing things. If you can't deal with that happening don't text me from now on.... However try talking to me like that again in any way and I really will ignore you. It is simply not needed.

14:14 I was drunk so I wasnt putting much thought into wording, and you know I dont just mean when you see a text rosie, or when you reply, I mean when you ignore something I say

14:19 *I am unable to answer the phone at the moment. I will contact you as soon as possible.

14:24 Really?

14:29 *Yes well i can now but... I really don't care about this right now. But no i thought you ment the time i take to reply which makes sense to me. Me not replying to everything you say? No i won't. Not in the context of last night. 

14:36 No, I don't mean how long you reply, I mean like when you tell me you're busy on monday then as soon as monday comes you ask me to lunch with your big ol crowd, do you think guys don't notice stuff like that? I said I would rather you just tell me to piss off or anything really

14:57 *O.o you don't like that i hang out with other people o.O?

15:00 No, god damn. did you read what I said fully -.- what I don't like is feeling avoided or lied to >:@

15:05 *When did i avoid or lie to you?

15:14 Well, I just cited one example, and it's how you come across when we text, ask any guy you know, all women do it, it just bugs me particularly because I'm fond of you -.-

15:24 *I'm sorry my memory is not that great Monday i was planning on working... O.o who was the crowd? What Matt? I don't even... What? 

15:25 *How i come across O.o? Pretty sure i text very close to how i speak o.O so clearly it's not just text is it o.o?

15:26 *So i avoid you and lie to you when i text you? I'm not sure i have lied to you ... I may have everyone lies but certainly nothing bad

15:28 *And as for avoiding you....No Karl i just have a lot of work to do O.o

15:31 *What am i saying. Of course i avoid you first i lead you on then once i think you like me i grow bored and move on the the next person. Because I'm just that nice a person. I flirt and then lie to you and avoid you. Like all women? Yeah that sounds right o...o

15:32 Well like I said, I remember quite clearly you telling me one monday you were busy so couldn't hang out, then when monday came you texted me saying you were getting food with everyone, my point is, instead of being evasive, just tell me to go away or something. I hope that's clear this time

15:32 *But tell me more example? When have i lied to you? What did i say?

15:34 *Or better yet when did i avoid you? You'll have to be specific as my memorys not that great but try me hit me with the many times I've gone out of my way to not see you o...o

15:37 *Yeah cause i was going to be working! I'm not going to make plans just to bail on you straight away. And obviously i changed my mind and decided to get food. If you didn't want to come you didn't have to. So did i actual invite you to get food? and did you get it in the end

15:37 I'm not saying you have, I'm saying I feel like you're evasive when we text, which feels pretty crappy, if you go back and read my text, i wrote it feels like being avoided or lied to -.-

15:40 I was already in the parisien when you texted me, so you guys all just came along. But that's beside the point, and I don't like repeating myself

15:56 *Surely fact texting you to meet up eradicates the whole... And by evasive do you mean i play mind games o.o?

16:10 Not really no, I mean sometimes it's hard getting a straight forward answer from you, I'm quite upfront, and I like people to not skirt around things when we talk

16:16 *I disagree. I think I'm fairly blunt in what i say o.o

16:39 Surely how other people understand you is the important thing in talking

16:48 *I have asked other people o.o they say o.o I am overall very straight forward and and simple o.o obviously it depends on the situation buy o.o yeah

17:26 Enough, I give up -.-

21:05 *Kay o.o


00:43* I'm not your convenience - implys you were annoyed at the lack of me replying to you. But you have said it was the lack of replying to what it was you said not the time it takes to reply. But then you gave Monday as an example? That  didn't want to meet on Monday (i was planning on working) but that i decided to get food with Matt who is on my course and a few others also.  
your big old crowd, - so just Matt?
do you think guys don't notice something like that? - sorry notice what exactly? I changed my mind about getting food and asked you if you wanted to meet up? Because that is clearly telling you to piss off. Or am i not allowed to change my mind?
Then you said that it made you feel like i was avoiding/lieing to you. Key word being feel. That you said later. Heres the thing though.

When did i avoid or lie to you? <- i didn't ask you when i made you feel that way i asked when i had done those things. And you said Monday was an example. In fact through out all of it, that was the only example you gave.
You Then ... Went on to say " how you come across when we text, ask any guy you know, all women do it," that is pretty much saying i play mind games. As thats the stereo type for women. Also you said all women do it? Just... Really? Everyone is the same.

It's hard getting a straight forward answer from you, - I'm sorry but. That's not me at all. If I'm undecided on something o.o or don't want to hurt someones feelings i may tailor my answer.  But i have a bad habit of saying whats on my mind. So whatever question i was  apparently evasive about. Feel free to ask me.

00:50 *So ... Just so you get where I'm coming from. I'm sorry if I've made you feel that way but it wasn't my intention at all. Even if you're drunk swearing at me when angry will make me not like you. In the future if i change my mind last minute I'll not go back on what i said in the first place. And as for me being evasive... I don't think you understand me very well at all. As for the most I'm forward ad say my mind. That is all. 

00:54 Could you not fawn over the 1 example I gave

00:59 *I addressed all of your points, you only gave one example. 

01:03 And just saying I don't understand you, is so helpful! When people talk, that's how they get an understanding of each other. What that is clearly depends on the person. What good is it just saying my understand of you is wrong?

01:14 *... Okay... I'll explain. And as for me being evasive... <- this is what you called me and the point i was addressing 
I don't think you understand me very well at all. <- this is me saying i disagree with your point
As for the most part I'm forward and say my mind. <- this is me saying why i disagree or hor you don't understand.

I don't expect anyone to understand a person completely. But evasive when replying to questions? That is not me. And if it's something i don't want to answer then i won't. And I'll probably say why. 

Make sense?

01:16* I also said in the other text about whatever question it was you asked that created this preconception to ask me again and i would give you a flat out answer

01:24 You cant disagree with my interpretation. That's how I've understood things, what does that do? This is pointless

01:26* Sure i can O.o if you say the sky is green I'll disagree. Yes , i can't say you aren't thinking of me that way but i can say that i think your judgement is wrong.

01:28 *But all in all you swore at me because... My plans changed i was free and asked you to meet  you - last minute.

01:33 Well it doesn't matter since my judgement is what we're discussing surely

01:33 That text didnt send first time

01:34 And as for what you just said, no I didn't -.-

01:35 *For Not replying to previous texts? That night?

01:39 No

01:40 *-.- either give me a valid and explained reason or don't say anything else. Good night .

01:44 Go back and read what I said, I'm tired of this argument

01:44 *Did you not see the massive text where i did just that? So explain yourself better because obviously I'm to dumb to get whatever message is in your reply.

01:47 You told me my feelings were wrong, essentially. You cant change how I saw things. I'm playing dota with a friend now, night

01:49 *O.o i told you that... Now. 
You swore at me last night.
I want to know why you did that -.- and yes i am well with in logic to say your thoughts are unjustified on that point.

01:50  *I asked if you had fun At tiger tiger to which you replied I'm not your fucking convenience.

01:52 How about we let me be the authority on what I feel

01:53 *I don't care about that Karl. Yes you feel whatever you feel. stop red herring and answer my question

01:56 And I only spent all day explaining

02:01* -.- Did you really? You switched from point to point and even after me going through everything i still am clearly to dumb to get it. So congrats you failed to explain. Not that you did when i asked you to in a simple way. Final chance to explain yourself is now. 

02:05 Im busy, and I have been texting you anyway, and  no, I've made myself more than clear

02:05 *Goodbye Karl.

02:07 You're overreacting, but oh well it's yohr choice

02:10 *I'll not have you insult me and then neither apologise nor explain. I gave you fair chance. Now good night sweet dreams and enjoy your game. I'll not be replying from now on if you do text back. 

02:17 I spent all day on the subject. And im not changjin my story. I don't intend to say anything different if you ask me when you see me either. So i guess there's nothing more to be said between us

Sunday 24 November 2013

Day 6860

Ideas forming...

Clock + setting

Inn zoom to window

Shes asleep  - see her arm

a) dude in charge of in wakes her up - story i don't know what to do thing

b) man drags her out of bed and throws her in with a bunch of other girls

- taken as a slave
- she see's her friend tristain or rather he sees her

they are being taken to be eaten by a guy who has a dragon and wants the dragon to grow  // has been told if he finds certain people then the dragon will reward him? with gold etc.... i dont even..... now why would a dragon want a group of people.... to break a curse? turn him human again o.o.....

they kill the dragon
it reverts into an egg.....

her arm is broken in the process - everyone celebrates

they decide to journey to become rulers of a far off kingdom

she is vistited in her dreams by the egg that tells her she must find certain people one of them was the dead man but now she will become him and one was one of the gang members who hangs along

- continue story. -

Dragon turns into ruler of the kingdom :o everyone is happy.... but first someone has to die or something.....

maybe i could do both storys....

o..........o want some one to bounce ideas off o.o

Day 6860

and then from nowhere there was a post. . 13 42

Today to do list.

- Storyboard
- Photo story board
- Timeline storyboard
- save all work
- watch doctor who
- write script
- email script
- watch legend of korra x 3
- draw first comic page
- sleep

- Finish all drawn stuff

Tuesday - Friday
- Work on Maya get that finished

- Day off/ help at bhf

- Anime + Draw lots of real life things