Monday 16 December 2013

Day 6882

Home again home again tripity trot. I don't know how that is meant to go o.o

Mini rant o.o stop fancying me! I know how conceited this sounds but it seems that all my male friends are going through stages of having crushes on me( Well okay, not all.. Just clearly enough for me to make a blog post about it) . I don't understand it. Well I do. I'm averagely pretty - enough to be attractive but not so much they think I'm out of their league. More so when I wear make up. I have a bubbly personality all be it  fairly flirty also. (New years resolution number 1) And I'm fairly un judgemental... Or rather. I ask 5 questions and judge you on that ( or at least try to ) o.o Obviously I make judgements of people on how they look etc, but I at least try and get to know people a little before deciding if I'll like them o.o ....I'm open to most types of people o.o Girls I'm a little more cagey around at first though o.o hmm yes well.

O.O ANYWAY o.o could you all please stop. You're hurting yourselves and as much as I love the compliments and attention I'm starting to feel bad at gaining it at your expense. ..... Could I just post this on Facebook? Be like " Everyone back off get over it I'm not interested" TT_TT Why can't I just have friends? In that kinda brotherly way o..o

I say this now then probably by the time I find someone  I like, I'll be all like >.>.... What do I do <.<..... - insert blog post about feelings and not knowing how to express them- ..... I can see it now...

Second part of the mini rant. Words. Why do you evade me :(

I just... Can't think of words sometimes and it's utterly annoying. Typing isn't that bad, spelling mistakes aside I can normally say what I want to. But when it comes to speaking I'll ( for no good reason ) get mind blanks where I just can't think of a word. Like " bottle opener"  or... Okay that was the most recent so that's all I can remember of the top of my head. T_T I'm 18 and sober. Speaking should not be a problem :(

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