Thursday 27 August 2015

Day 7501

Angie is leaving tomorrow :< And we are having a bonfire tonight... And then Angie is gone o.o And then Mariana leaves end of this month...And then I am alone for two weeks o.o And then uni starts again! o.o Yes....

Thing of Today:


1) WTB
2) Paper people
3) You are what you eat
4) TtR Characters
5) TtR Backgrounds
6) Grandma drawing
7) Human faces
8) Dragon dynasty comic plan
9) Seeker plan
10) Game path ways type up

Few days later....

1pm, (08) = another chapter done
3pm, (04) = Lylah turn around
6pm (03) = 2 characters and a few more references
10pm (10) = Done and plotted out.

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