Tuesday 2 September 2014

Day 7142

...... yeah...... 

The lights in this house seriously don't like me... I mean..... DUDE D: I've been back one day and it's all gone wrong :< So, I was making some noodles, was going to add ham, some cheese, some herbs....Make it super tasty :3 Would have added eggs but turns out they've gone off.. Anyway... I think I must have tripped a fuse when turning the noodles on again because now. The upstairs lights aren't working but the downstairs ones are. And the downstairs plugs aren't working but the upstairs ones are... Hence how I can take photos and send them and such.So how did you get light upstairs Rosie?  I've stolen Bertos lamp... With his permission... Not really stealing.

The poor ice cream in the freezer... It's going to go all melted... I'll just have to eat it o.o  but the milk in the fridge.... the cheese.... I just bought more cheese o..o the butter.... the pasta T_T there's not too much stuff because I haven't done a proper shop which is just as well but :/ man.

Also just found out that everyone seems to live in like a 10 min radius!!! How cool is that o3o 

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