Sunday 20 July 2014

Day 7098

Two new necklaces :3 The first is a bird in a cage and it's very long, the other short one is the same sort of colour as my hair at the moment and doesn't have a clasp. It's a bit like a horse shoe and you squeeze it around your neck, it's not bad but every now and again it's a bit like D: Can't breathe XD but yaeh :3 Both from BHF Portsmouth, the things you find at charity shops aha.

Anime wise....
Meet Asda san XD Sorry her name is just funny to me... Kinda distracted from the anime a little aha. Aside from that it's awesomes and I want more :<
(Sword art online, episode 3 of the second season) 

Animation wise.....
I've downloaded Lightworks as I can't seem to get Premier on this computer... So lets see how that goes. Hopefully it's not going to be like the Blender equivalent in the video editing world.

Bhf wise.....
On another note we get a lot of theft in BHF sadly, so I've been googling it.  and this seems to be the best website:
Basically, talk to all the customers and keep eye contact, if people be loitering ask if you can help. Don't accuse someone of stealing, and call security if you're sure about it, so I'd get whoever was in charge down o.o
Also we've been told that £20 notes that start...EA I think can be fake, even if the hologram is real...

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