Friday 18 July 2014

Day 7096

Look at that skype koala-tea ~o.o~

Animations going swimmingly...Ha...Ha...ha..... Tracing fish over and over again and it makes sense to me what I'm doing o.o but... It's tedious :< So I'm listening to another audiobook! By Brandon Sanderson, I seem to be listening to a lot of his books recently. Good author ^3^ 

Almost finished GW2 map o3o the rest is in WvW though :< So I'ma be changing servers a lot.

Tried going on twitter again o.o Really don't know what I'm doing on it..Aside from deleting early entries...

Comic planning :o

Universe = Ii atus ( Fingertips) 
10 planets in total
World that story takes place on = Ryuhm (Right thumb)

That's all I got o.o

+Isaacs spider idea o.o

Thing of today

I bought another rose :D I thought the first one was dead o.o but i think it's alive o3o and so now I have two white roses!!!! :D I love my first white rose most o.o

Casual selfie with my beautifuls o3o

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