Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day 7065

Good morning! 

Tea party video plan

Pause the video and go pop the kettle on, sit back and relax whilst it boils, this'll only take a minute.
Enjoy drinking tea?
New to Portsmouth?
Or just want to meet some new people?
Thought of Joining a society?
Perhaps you think you haven't got enough time .... Or money
Portsmouth tea party society - Of the cake a tea variety not the political
Once a month UPTPS hold a theme event with unlimited tea and cake , for just £2per event
Then we put a vote on facebook, so you can vote in the next theme
Which is where the money goes, so each one will be bigger and better than the last
And we'll be meeting up with other societies, so you can have a better experience together.
Tea party is a way to meet new people
Try unlimited tea
And enjoy the wide range of events
There is also unlimited coffee, hot chocolate and soft drinks available
So take part
Join the society for just £3 and find us on Facebook
Keep an eye out for the next tea party event
And if you're up to it apply to help out
UPTPS - Spreading the love of tea, it's koala-tea.

TedX video plan

Close up of a bottle on a wave - Portsmouth skyline in the bg
Look down on the bottle, it's all alone in lots of water
Show a big wave coming - It goes into the wave
Bottle goes under water
Small fish eats it
Show school of fish swimming past
First fish slowly turns round
From fish P.O.V See's big grumpy fish
Long shot show fish being eaten
Big fish swims into distance
Close up of fishing net
Long shot big fish goes into net
Looking at camera big fish gets dragged up off camera

Waiter brings the fish in on a platter and walks to a table
Customer P.O.V as fish is cut open and bottle appears
Close up of the bottle being found - Be able to read UniversityOfPortsmouthTedx
Longshot customer hands to waiter, waiter makes a phone call
Bottle gets handed to mystery person with a british looking silhouette
We see this person walk to Eldon
All goes black

Irl Stephen fry hands it to Roxy on stage.

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