Sunday 1 June 2014

Day 7049



Need to find out if I have passed first year. I think I have o.o Perhaps not with flying colours but...Enough...

Feedback so far (just a compilation of them all)

"Good animatic with some simple yet effective animation. Your work has charm and humour.
Bit more effort needed next year…" 
"Your essay would have benefited from a level of formality and professionalism rather than your much too casual approach."
"Overall, we believe you have potential and we have seen sparks of it over the course of your first year. Your confidence has improved, and some of your animations show a natural flair for a sense of timing and fluid movement, but this is not consistent in all of your work. You seriously need to buckle down, work hard, focus and show us what you can do. Channel your skills and talent from now on. Use your time in university wisely and make better use of your peer and lecturer support. Practice more drawing, as we do not see enough evidence of this in your hand in."

"Life drawings – varied ability evident here. Some of the sketches produced during workshops are hard to view – pay more attention to presentation – submission is careless. Observation skills need developing – be careful with form structure and proportion and vary the use of line. Some of the life drawings show a sensitivity to weight and movement whilst others are clumsy. TB2 Taste animation tests are lovely and fluid however ‘sour’ is more ‘bitter’ – remember to consider how one colour responds to another to the whole and explore texture further. Sound tests – fluid use of line – consider colours responding to sound and explore colours out of other colours –out of light and dark – vary the tone. Colour mixing – some exercises produced but not all of them. Label other works. Check workshop diary – environment work missing. Don’t write ‘things’ on your submission. ‘Emotion’  - ‘evil’ reads well and ‘frantic’ shows a sense of your intention – be more adventurous with your mark-making and be more experimental with colour – consider how evil etc and then compare.  Attendance needs addressing if you want to improve. Overall the work does not show a real commitment which is disappointing as you clearly have ability. I hope you address this in preparation for L5." 

So notes for next year
  • More effort - Commitment 
  • Formal... Hmm maybe I can start selling myself as a brand? 
  • Consistency, think this I'll be working on over summer 
  • Draw more.... >.>..... <.<..... We shall see. 
  • When drawing more... Work on varying the lines and getting a more accurate structure/proportion
  • Clearly label all work... In a more formal way... Formality o.o Well then o.o
  • Attendance

In summary so far...
Get better at drawing, present myself more formally, make sure everything is presented o.o

Moving out

I've left halls... Those last few days where so sad :< Everyone had gone.... So much stuff in the kitchen to clear out. My room also, so, so much stuff O.O insanity. I've unpacked now in the new house so o.o is all good, starting work on Monday and hoping to help out at bhf soon as well, they've had so many donations recently the upstairs is swamped in stuff that needs sorting.
Have also set up the new computer that was Toms computer :3 it's a beautiful thing. Now I just need a webcam and I'll have everything.
Plant is still alive....Just.

Sorry for poor quality o.o

Branding myself

In cold irons.... Um yes o.o
Start creating an online presence, make work I'm proud off and upload more regularly, get the comic under way and start the animations.

  • Etsy 
  • YouTube
  • Deviant Art // Tumblr 
  • Of course I will be blogging still
  • Twitter? Facebook? 
  • Instagram?
  • Website - GoDaddy   83988205

Etsy wise I now have this o.o..... so you get £5 I get £5... You non existent people ;) 

We'll give each friend £5 toward their first Etsy purchase.
For every two friends who buy, you'll get £10 to spend yourself - up to £100.

I had another thing I wanted to talk about o.o But I forget... So have a random heading

and some random writing because why not o.o

Thing of today:

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