Friday 20 December 2013

Day 6886

Snoring mother? Lying in bed for a good few hours thinking about the sleep you could be getting? Mind drifts into stories? Welcome to my world. SO before I forget these things after I wake up ( As I will be waking up, as I WILL be getting to sleep 0-0) Thoughts so far.

Chapter 1 - Starring Nameless girl?! And Tristan

Tannim - meaning child of dragons
Kaimi - meaning Seeker
Alexandra..... Alex.... Al..... o.o yup.

Alexandra - Main girl
Tristain - Scarf magician
Leonidus - Evil prince
Lissette - Eye candy
Rima - Revolutionist/thief

Musician - darius  probably going to be cut... Don't really need him o.o
Mechanic - Jaque
Rui - Empress

BAHAMUT - The city of towers <- the final place

12 chapters - 12 hidden clocks.

3 panel per page, interactive to a degree,

1) Starts with her being woken up at work - with water (water she was meant to be using for cleaning) splashed in her face " I don't pay you to sleep" "go home and change, and get some proper rest....important people are coming tomorrow" " oh before you go here's some food for you to take back"
Que commentary about how her parents are dead and she works so hard to pay off their debts and stuff as the girl walks out.

Outside Tristan bangs into her and all the food falls to the floor, she starts yelling at the food on the floor, he grabs her mouth and says "don't make a sound" He grabs her and takes her round a corner, she slaps him saying "no"  this reveals a strange magic tattoo on the side of his face. He leans in close and tells her to stop drawing attention and shes all like "he's going to kill me O.O" looking like shes about to scream with her mouth slightly open. Then he kisses her o.o and she is all like "o.o........ no" (in a super tiny voice this was her first kiss) and goes to slap him again this time he catches her arm. Then the people run by saying something like can you see him? Didn't he come this way etc. and she turns her head to look after them, he pulls her face back to his holding her chin and arm and stairs all -.-....... and she doesn't scream, captivated by his eyes...(>.>...D'aww)

The people looking for them go off, and he collapses, she's about to run off when she sees that he's bleeding...She's an innocent girl (at this point >.>) who feels sorry for him and takes him back to her place to fix him up.(as you do...)

Whilst he's in the shower (steam punk style) she's curious as to what kinda man he is and looks in his bag, to find a dragon egg, the egg hatches and imprints on her leaving a mark just below the collar bone ( same mark as the magician guy perhaps? )o.o, she hurriedly puts the egg hatchling.... thing back in the bag. the dude comes out and notices that she was looking at the bag// is near it. He walks over to her AND dun dun dun AND CUT

Dun dun dun

2) He kisses her/drugs her.  And she falls asleep o.o Important people come, they were teh keeper of the egg or whatever, they see the mark on her hand! kidnap her to the royal prince over in paris.

And Cut

3) que the paris romance love thing. - arm is broken. they run off in a horse and cart together with the dragon, tristan, Jaque and lissette.

And Cut

4) Dragon grows at a rapid pace and eats lots so they go to a fishing village maybe....

- Train - rima
- Burning place - rima trys to steal
- Sky city
- market
- in the tower city

12) ...... o.o.... They all die.

A friend that betrays her
Starts at the beginning but wiser and less naive?

Lets use pixar!

Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Alexandera, Every day she would work tirelessly to pay off her dead parents debts. One day a strange ( but cute ) man ran into her (literally). Because of that she ended up having a dragon in print on her. Because of that she was able to go on a journey and rule a kingdom.
Until finally she payed of her parents debts with the money from the kingdom, gave the kingdom to the princess ( stupid sexist person ) and everyone lived happily ever after....For now.

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