Wednesday 18 December 2013

Day 6884

Post 100!!!!!

May I share with you this aweosmesess <3 KOALA ONESIE <3

So much happyness >.> Its's like when I get a new koala toy >.> but better <.< Cause each time I look at myself/in the mirror I'm like O3O awwwww <3 o.o Not that I don't love my koala toys as much o.o.... But yes >.>..... Is so warm <3 I will live in it <3 and be happy <3 o.o

On another note I wrote a script!

Prickalo and DewlietteThis is an epic about taking control of one’s life. The story is about a hedgehog. The story begins with him being whisked away onto a journey and ends with him leaving his past life and starting a new one. Love, betrayal and discovering yourself play important roles in this story.

LS: Words prickalo and dewliette float on screen in an italic font. A suburban garden in the background with the sun setting rapidly.
As the sun passes behind the words, a light filter effect fills the screen.
MS-MCU: The camera drops to a hedgehog asleep in the afternoon sun under a few leaves.
Shoe starts to come down on the screen
MS Camera zooms out: A man stands on the hedgehog as he opens his back door dressed in gardening gear.
CU: The mans face is not amused, he pinches the bridge of his nose with his index and thumb.
Mans POV: he picks up the hedge hog and all goes black.
 Fade inLS: Country side setting, car drives away and behind it is a box.
Super speed zoom into the box,
CU: looking down on the hedge hog inside, who is cowering and afraid.
ECU: His eyes close and he dreams of home and his family, this fills the whole screen.
CU – MS: The image changes so the family gathering is inside of a picture with a female hedgehog holding the frame, ( as 3 thought bubbles appear camera tracks them upwards )you see her thought bubble of him with a death sign over it.
 MS: The bubble pops
CU: a single tear falls from her eye
LS: As the tear falls from the frame, she goes into silhouette and it is made to look like she kills herself,
 Transition: Her frame moving up and off screen and his coming into screen the tear drop linking the two.
 Tracked CU: The tear falls onto the male hedgehog and he wakes up – it is raining.
LS: Looking rather pathetic and bedraggled he creeps out of the box.
LS – CU: ( As shadow grows so does the closeness of the camera)  A shadow of a bird grows closer and he runs towards the heather,
MS: Stumbling (towards camera)
CU: Just making it under cover as the talons snap in the empty space - feather gets caught in his spikes.
ECU: Blinking
MSPOV: looking around he see’s all the gems inside the heather ( bugs and such) all sparkling and enticing after the rain.
POV: One paw starts reaching out and grabs a worm to eat,
CU: but upon doing so brushes a leaf with a dew drop on it.
ECU: Camera focuses on the dew drop, all else fading/blurring slightly.
MS: He slaps the outstretched paw with the other hand, but shoves the worm in his mouth
CU: The worm still half hanging out.
ECU: Of worms terrified face.
POV: He then grabs the leaf (all goes black)
MS: As he blindfolds himself,
MS-LS: blindly runs through the treasure trove until off camera.
MS: he runs into curb.
CU: He peaks through the blindfold
POV: Finds he is on top of a hill and can see his house in the near distance. A large wheel disrupts his view and he sees the road in the way.
ECU: Eyes determined he does some ninja skills and rolls to the other side – now dizzy worm still in his mouth.
 LS: He makes it to the garden
MS: Approaches the front door, to the burrow
CU: His paw slowly reaches for the door
 Internal MS Looking up at him: He bursts in saying about the treasure trove he found waving the worm. His waves become less enthusiastic until he drops the worm to the floor.
MS: Camera switches to his wife in a pile of leaves with another hedgehog!
CU: His face – Overwhelming sadness, eyes start to grow teary.
CU: Wifes face – awkward smile,
CU: His face – Blinking  rapidly and looking away
MS: Wife looking from side to side shrugs a little
MS: He slowly shakes his head, and walks away.
ELS: You see a hedgehog walking off into the sunset the wind blowing through his hair, as he leaves the cheating hedgehog to do whatever she wants.  
To the music "swept away"

Yup o.o ..... Bet you didn't see that ending coming.... >.>.... So one day that will be an animation. It's good to know I'm sending nice messages out there... Meaningful ones... That... Yes.... Oh well those can wait. but yeah o.o....

A week till christmas and the decorations still arent up >.>... and I have yet to see the hobbit o.o

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