Thursday 12 June 2014

Day 7060

Mugshot is back!
Computer is back :D
And now I have a webcam as well ^-^ 

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day 7055

Wow o.o okay so o.o someone commented on the blog o.o.... That was.... o.o.... There's humans out there!

Quick update...
  • Computers broken so have taken it to the repair people. 
  • Work is going pretty well, though my legs are covered in bruises... I'm not even sure how I got them
  • Animation is on hold, once work settles down I'll start it up again
  • Who new... You can add a tag to all your posts..... There is no undo button.... T_T
  • "like this status" is up to 60 people... o.o I hope they aren't expecting anything soon
  • I cycled on the road! And didn't get run over and it wasn't scary! And I'm alive...So that's good o.o 
  • I lied... It's not quick
  • I've met more of my flat mates :D o.o they all like tea o.o all of them o.o

Hold a contest – Offer to automatically enter your customers into a contest when they make a purchase. You could also offer your product as the price for one being held by other small businesses. Either way, make sure that the contest revolves around you and your product.

  • Design the T-shirt - send out to all CT get all artsy people involved!
  • Collect 6 drink stamps and be in for the chance of a termly prize

Give something away for free – Hand out samples of your product, promotional products branded with your logo, or other gifts at a key location. This lets people experience what you have to offer first-hand at a key location.

  • Tea. We shall give people free tea..... The nicer tea..... Perhaps not loose leaf o.o....

Frequent shopper cards – Offer customers a discount or free product after they’ve made a specific number of purchases.

  • For all tea shops, when students visit they can have a stamp printed on
Give discounts to targeted groups – This could be a specific club or association, or simply a group of people who have attended a specific event.

  • I don't have any ideas..... To Facebook o.o

Offer a group or referral discount – These are the sort of discounts that get people talking. Encourage customers to share a deal with others, and they’ll do the promotional work for you.

  • o.o Again to Facebook....

Free trial – Offer a free trial of your product so that potential buyers can become more acquainted with it.
  • After freshers fair the first event will be "free" but recommended donation for going to charity

Business card coupon – Print the back of your business card so that it doubles as a coupon. This will encourage people you meet to purchase from you as well.
  • Step one, make business cards.... Use them at freshers....
Signs, banners and posters – Keep paper materials that promote sales, offers and promotions close at hand, and use them when opportunities present themselves. Place them in public places or get permission to display them in private businesses where people gather.

  • Posters everywhere! Ask the tea shops that want to work with us....
E-mail blasts- Create an eye-catching e-mail newsletter that piques people’s curiosity and encourages them to subscribe.

  • Use mailchimp or something and then send a monthly newsletter

Sidewalk chalk – Write a creative marketing message in places where people are likely to see it. Sidewalk chalk is especially popular on college campuses.

  • I like this plan o.o.....
Newspaper or magazine ad – Take out ad space in a periodical to appeal to a specialized audience.
Create a website - Even brick-and-mortar businesses can benefit from a professional website with a memorable URL.
  • That beautiful student newspaper should be put to use....

Viral video – A funny or impressive Youtube video can rapidly attract a huge audience.
  • Okay we get a koala... Some tea o.o..... And make a koala-tea video >3>''
Video testimonials – Ask appreciative customers to tell their story on camera and incorporate these testimonials into your TV or Youtube campaign.

  • Or you know just a brief hi this is what we do come drink tea o.o
Jingle - Compose a catchy tune that’s sure to get stuck in people’s heads. Include it in your radio, TV, or Youtube advertising.
  • This can be done.....
Social networking – Maintain a presence on Facebook, Twitter, or other internet social networks. Only join the ones that you’ll have time to keep up with periodically.
  • Got this....
T-shirts – Create custom t-shirt with your company logo printed on them. Give them to your staff to wear, and they’ll passively promote your company everywhere they go.
  • Come September this will happen.....
Give back to the community- Volunteering or donating ensures that hundreds if not thousands of people will hear about your business. You can volunteer as part of a non-profit organization or offer your product or service to an event or fundraiser.
  • This would be fun...Donating will be happening any way but maybe holding a tea party for a retirement home? 
Attend trade shows – Trade shows and other events are a great place to meet potential prospects. After you receive a business card from someone, write any important details about them on the back as a reminder and reference point. Then follow up with that person later with a personalized message.

  • We could have a tea party stall O.O that would be so cool :3
Flash mob- This is a fun promotional stunt that people love. Organize volunteers to do a dance or other activity in a popular area at a specific time. Consider having someone videotape it and then upload it to Youtube.
  • Angies idea of having a brief tea party on a round about......Could do them all over Portsmouth XD
Go green – Make your products or services eco-friendly. Advertise your environmentally safe practices, and people will respect you more for it.
  • o.o Trying to do this anyway but advertising it will be good as well I guess o.o 

- See more at:

Thursday 5 June 2014

Day 7053

Let's see how this goes o.o.....
So...If you like this status or comment below or message me or something, I'll draw your profile picture in a pen sketch cartoon character kinda way. 
Yup o.o That's... Pretty much it ~o.o~

.... I leave it when I go to work and come back to.... 45 likes?

Say I spend 5 mins research, 10 mins drawing

45 x 15 mins = 11.25 hours

Yeah o.o.................

Sebastian Stungo

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day 7052

Summer to do list.

  • Comic first chapter
  • Business cards 
  • A5 Drawings 
  • A4 Drawings
  • Stickers
  • Badges
  • T-shirts
  • Calendars
  • Website up and running
  • Etsy

  • Timmy the reaper episode 1
  • Rains of Castamere
  • Jelsa
  • Tedx 

  • CT Email about t-shirt competition 
  • Freshers fair 
  • Sponsorship

  • Finish thorns trilogy
  • Finish Flappeters trilogy  Dropped on the second book....
  • Finish Stormlight archive
  • Finish Mistborn trilogy
  • Finish GW2 Main story
  • Finish GW2 Armour collection
  • Finish GW2 Map 
  • Finish GoT
  • Finish Currently watching anime/ Get up to date
  • Iceland card
  • Sainsbury's card
  • Tescos card

  • Visit Isaac
  • Visit Sarah
  • Visit Parents

    Tea party 
  • Compose letter for T shops drafted
  •  Talk to Lawrence again and get further details on sponsorship - waiting response
  •  Space for Human chess needs to be booked
  •  Promotional video - planned 
  •  CCI Emails - logo competition - Email acquired 
  •  Go round coffee shops
  •  All about tea - history of tea talk
  •  Update university info - waiting response
  •  Kit and Equipment
  •  Human chess personal invites
  •  Pat test urn - waiting response 

Day 7052

Copied from Day 6839

Expo planning 

- test water, find local places to try out

- Guest book :3
- cash box
- business cards
- sweets
- table cloths o.o
-price labels
- stock list

- pens
- pillows
- bags
- a5 random one off drawings
- a4
- post card
- stickers/badges
- drawing portraits
- comic
- posters o.o 
- Desk calendar ( any left I can give them as presents :3 )

 - Timmy, DD, OCs, 

So Imgur showed me this guys business card

He works at lego........

So I started thinking about my own.
After a lot of research most artists just have some illustrations and that's that

Faves, would work really well at an expo I think....

Tea and coke.... Not a good combo :s

Day 7052

4 posts in a row? On different days?! What is this madness...

Thing of today

The series involves a young woman, out on a quest that seems impossible. Accompanied by a female and a male companion. What is her goal you maybe asking, simple, to get them all. The protagonist goes through many hardships but thanks to the help of her friends she is able to overcome them. Battling many opponents from large to small, she loses many friends along the way but this doesn't stop her from going after what she wants more than anything else in the world.

Basically just changed the paragraph from he to she.... Practically a blurb for the comic.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day 7051

What happens when I don't have as much to do.... I wake up insanely early...And blog a lot more.

Went to sleep at like... 6.30 pm yesterday... For a nap.... >.>..... Yeah... Is now 7. 30am and I'm still rather tired. Should have slept less. Oh well~

Thing of today
I've posted about his stuff before but yeah... It's insane o.o Jake Sims everybody.
Second thing of today

Can't wait to see this!!!

Tip to people who want to lose weight... Get a job cleaning... or a Job that's physical basically o.o So tired D: And the lovely ladies in charge are still going o.o it's like o.o.....OH AND HAIR that can piss right off, that is possibly the hardest thing to clean up