Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 6764

So many things to post and say.... Well lets start it off with I GOT INTO PORTSMOUTH UNI! Yay, and all that jazz. Will be starting the start of September, shall see how it goes aha.

Shall probably just post a list of holiday things now but yes perhaps more interesting posts in the near but distant future but, then again... I doubt it.

That said ... I don't know where to start, and half of it I have already forgotten :/ so for now I think it shall be left.

Back to University stuff, I know 3 people that seem to be who I shall be sharing the kitchen with.

Well that's about all for now~

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 6737

Holiday log of things, the lack of images will no doubt add to this mundane post but oh well~ That's kinda the idea of this page.

Friday - Arrived in Denmark, back at the farm with horses and cats <3 There is also or was...Probably still is... Anyways a cherry tree, with really tasty fruit, though quite a few possibly infected cherries O.o....

Saturday - Walked to the castle nearby, found out you can walk through the woods to the sea. Made a small daisy chain but was not sure how to tie it... So it kinda fell apart as one would expect. There were also cobbles made of wood named by my boyfriend's dad "wobbles".  Finished the book "Changeling"... Probably wouldn't recommend it but that's just me. We also ate BBQ in the afternoon which was so tasty <3 the corn mostly <3 such yummy corn.... AND THEN we played Globetrotter, We all made it to africa which was the third region, whilst bf's dad was far off in australia and one the game. Things I did not know but should have,  mexico day with mortes - day of the dead, cuba biggest export sugar but most known for cigars. I could also by the end of the game read "the capital city of a country" and "what is the national language" Language being......Sprog. Such an amusing word XD

Sunday - We went to the sea~ And the water was fairly cool, or rather the wind was which made it cool, also made a tree branch become a clothes rack. Just thought I'd add my mini achievement in there :P Later, a lot later in the evening Bonnie Raitt was live on stage performing and I was standing right at the front, with my boyfriend his sister and his dad and sisters boyfriend, the whole group. Later into the night my knees were dying so much, I am not good at standing up it seems. The pianists faces were so amusing, he looked  as if he was having a fit/orgasming over the organ/keyboard though he did have a good voice, as did she. Perhaps not my style of music. There was a very awkward part were she said something along the lines of "There is this pretty young lady with her boyfriend down here, and it's so sweet, and I have no idea how you found me and then something about adel covering one of her songs." To which I stood awkwardly looking at my boyfriend and not really knowing what to say or do XD. There was also a very drunk guy... that was... Interesting... Though he was shorter than me so that was cool.

Monday - During my free time for the past week or so I'd been working on the Three days grace animation and this day was pretty much spent finishing it off.... I ran out of time, and my drawing/animating ability sucks! Future Rosie you better be damn good at animating soon and not making these cringey third rate ones. Be at least second rate, 'kay?

Tuesday - Only yesterday and yet I've already forgotten most of it... In short it was a beautiful sunny boat trip around Copenhagen there were dragon towers, submerged sculptures, the little mermaid, yummy ice creams, twin swans, many bad photos taken, a black library, an opera house with a rather large roof that people can jump of off, little white jellyfish floating in the shallows, really really pretty river houses with large steps leading up into the middle of them. Also my boyfriends sisters boyfriend... because that's not complicated to write out. Anyway he started teaching me the first part to howls moving castle :3

Wednesday - AND TODAY we went to a zoo. SO SO much awesome stuff... hmmm I guess I'll just write it out as it comes to mind and probably not with much detail... so many of it may not make sense once my memories fade... But oh well~

  • Minni flamingos ( they weren't flamingos but were in the same enclosure) sitting up in a tree
  • Polar bears are a lot bigger than I thought, one was bouncing on a barrel
  • and you could go under it and watch it swim, though watching it go back and forth made me feel a little queasy. 
  • seals are so so so cute they were swimming towards us and showing us their tummies and >.> I want one <3 I saw a lot of animals I would like aha
  • primate house was pretty cool, there was an iguana that when it put my finger to the glass it came up and kept trying to put its foot to the glass, its skin was peeling off. and baby golden lion monkey things crawling right up close to the glass,
  •  Churro - a snake like donut so very tasty 
  • snakes tortoises and frogs are really  good at hiding.... 
  • The rain forest area was very humid, but finding all the tiny tiny frogs was really fun, many of them looked all slimy and rubbery but they were also so cute <3 and there was a butterfly garden with massive butterflies and you could get right up close and look at them and they wouldn't fly away 
  • boyfriend kept getting annoyed that i was wondering off to look at things... but i just looked at them faster is all...
  • we saw tigers and elephants also both with there own young, was very cute one of the tiger cubs kept getting close to the water then would back away and they were play fighting with each other and I can understand to some degree why people would kill them for the coats as they were very beautiful, but still... Better on the animal I think. 
  • the elephants were throwing sand over them selves which was amusing
  • then to the ant eaters! Which i don't think are that amazing, but everyone else seemed to really like them
  • and there were camels double backed camels >.< I don't know why but they just made me laugh so much, they just amuse me for no real reason aha.
  • ALSO there were giant guinea pigs, called capybaras and and they are so cute and funny and apparently the largest rodent
  • Then we went through into the savannah area which was nice enough with the usual savanna animals
  • the emus and the wallabies were going mental at one point, the emu chicks were running round helter skelter and chasing the wallabies and, oh it was just amusing aha
  • and at the petting zoo you could pet the goats and also we stroked some baby rabbits o3o they were so cute I just wanted to pick it up and steal it and it was amazing <3 
And thats ... a fair amount

Friday 12 July 2013

Thursday 11 July 2013

Even more day 6724

What is this...4 posts in one day? Well this one at least isn't a list...
 Working on a music video contest, not sure if i will  really enter it, but may make the video for fun... We shall see.

http://genero.tv/threedaysgrace/#_  <- link to the contest for thoose interested.

I am in control I haven't lost my mind 
I'm picking up the pieces of the past you left behind
I don't need your condescending 
words about me looking lonely 
I don't need your arms to hold me 
Cause misery is waiting on me 

I am not alone
not beaten down just yet 
I am not afraid of the voices in my head 
Down the darkest road something follows me 
I am not alone 
Cause misery loves my company 

Leave me in the cold you better run away 
I'm gonna dig a hole and bury all the memories we've made 
I don't need your condescending 
words about me looking lonely 
I don't need your arms to hold me 
Cause misery is waiting on me

Day 6724 continued more so

List 3 so many ....

The next episode to watch
Falling skies - 4, at all costs
Under the dome - 3, manhunt
Twisted - 5, three for the road
The white queen - 5

Anime - see anime list

Day 6724 continued

I lied... About being done with the lists today... I have more :L

Summer projects and things~

  • Start looking at past animators + artists 
  • Chapter 1 of Dragon dynasty 
  • Timmy the Reaper first episode first 30 seconds/ opening 
  • Learn Howls moving castle on Piano 
  • Finish the book I got for christmas
  • Listen to the GoT books 
  • Complete ff13 or at least try to :L 
  • Cosplay top creation + find shoes 
  • 9.50 camping trip
  • Alton towers 1 camping with friends 
  • Legoland with boyfriend :3 
  • Sort out sleeping pattern (September) 
  • Scan and colour commision things... Made them wait so long o..o 
  • Animation mentor day ~o.o~
  • Take over the world.
  • Wii games party 
  • Watch EVERYTHING O.O .... 
  • Maybe learn some more poi...
  • Theory driving test stuff

Day 6724

A post of random things that I may or may not need. And that note may I proceed to kill your brain cells and alleviate mine~

Shop window/shelvings
Movie night food recap
Served on the table for people to choose what they wanted
sausages wrapped in bacon, pizza, breadsticks, salad bowl, popcorn, crisps + dip (dip not really eaten), bowl of olives ( not really eaten), bread+cheese roll partly fried (very yummy though cutting the bread in half and not using to strong a cheese are points for the future) Mixed peppers, tomato and mozzarella, homemade cup cakes (so yummy <3)
Served on plates
Meat mushroom tomato mixture things in wraps, salad, fried new potatoes mixed in pesto (not the best looking but tasty enough) Strawberries cream and popping candy
Served on plates
Pesto pasta and garlic bread
You can see that as the nights progressed I put less effort into making the food XD. Ah well I hope the people who came enjoyed it :) I did, though for the Harry Potter marathon over 27 hours we only watched the first 6. Two more to see and then I shall have seen them all!
Personally, aside for the mild cremation of certain foods I think I'm a rather good cook. Thus have no fears about university :P
Camping food
Sunday: dinner
Monday: morning, lunch, dinner,
Tuesday: morning, lunch, dinner,
3 dinners, 2 lunches, and a possible 2 mornings though... We shall probably be asleep o.o
No electricity, gas, or way of keeping things cool. Also on a tight budget, and friend I'm going with ( who made the awesomes cupcakes) is not wanting to gain weight.
Sainsburys BBQ twin pack - 7, burritos, sausages, skewered things, toasted bread with chopped tomato cheese chives?
Energy bars, apples, bananas, orange?... may be hard to open    
If we can get hot water... Then instant noodles, soup, tea...
We could go fishing and get a fish and o.o.. eat it o.o....... V.V just reading how to do it... I really don't think I want to. But in case you do http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Catch-Clean-and-Cook-a-Fish/step8/Cooking-the-fish/

Things to take camping 

Painkillers + Pills
Sun newspaper deals 

Small lined pad and pen 

Hair brush - with hair bands around it
Basic make up

Carrier bag (for dirty washing)

Make up remover wipes

Basic clothes that can get muddy, maybe one dress.

Flip flops - black 

Dark clothes - do a wash as soon as I go back.
If I owned a onesie.... I would wear it o..o


Rucksack bag/small suit case

Things to take to Denmark/France

Painkillers + Pills


Note pad - Plain and lined
Pen, pencil, eraser.... Pencil case.

Hair brush - with hair bands around it
Basic make up

Carrier bag (for dirty washing)

Make up remover wipes
Shorts - Black with belt
Skirts - Blue, black, red (re attach button), grey tight waist,
Jumper - Thin black with pockets, big black without, hoodie (may wear it on plane), 

Denimn Jacket
PJ - flower nighty, black rose pants, black baggy pants
Pants x 14

Bra x 7... Do I even own 7...
Tights x 2
Leggings x 3
Socks - Koalas, black x 5
Jeans - comfy black ones

Summer dress - Peacock, bright one, purple flower short, military blue
Pinafore dress thing
Tops - Black and white ruffle, grey button 3/4, white glasses red lips, depressed beige, blue beaded tie at back

Flip flops - green and black

Purple slippers 

Suitcase, laptop bag, 

Still need to get a cake and balloon for boyfriends birthday. 

Plan: Sunday get  train to Guildford, be picked up by awesomes wifey <3 drive down to camp site near brighton/worthing, stay till Tuesday when we drive back up in afternoon, train from guildford to home, put on dark wash, dry dark wash on wednesday and make sure packed for holiday, Thursday boyfriends grand parents pick me up and take to boyfriends, hide stuff in his room play game whist he finds it :P, Friday get train to airport  fly to Denmark, one week, then Denmark to paris for two, then home on the 12th, the results on the 15th.

Some how make a music video.....
Today - 12 hours, Saturday afternoon - 6 hours, Wednesday - 12 hours, maybe Thursday.... Friday - On plane,

Three days grace, 12 days - Tuesday 23rd - some ideas but nothing really...hmmm, prefer the music
$5,000 (3,350)
Nomination for 2013 Genero awards

Ray bomb, 19 days - Tuesday 30th - many ideas but may not work... and are complicated
Nomination for 2013 Genero awards

Oh the possiblities....

Will watch first episodes of anime then add it to the list and complete them when I get back, though finish watching falling skies to date. Will probably make a post soon saying what episodes I am up to so I have a ref of them in the near but distant future.

Mind bleh done! For now ;)